On 27 - 07 - 2014 at 5 a.m When the Planets Guru + Sun + Moon - TopicsExpress


On 27 - 07 - 2014 at 5 a.m When the Planets Guru + Sun + Moon were in pushya star in karkata rasi, There was the Dawn of Sathya Yuga and End of Kali Yuga On planet Earth, Milkey Galaxy, UNIVERSAL SPACE. Today On 27 - 08 - 2014, Reincarnation Research Centre Bangalore – 560 004 Karnataka I N D I A Here by, Declare it on behalf of Human Race in the of GOD. Now, On 27 - 08 - 2014 as it is Declared by Reincarnation Research Centre the beging of World Peace by Spiritual Revolution started today. Let God bless humanity with Universal Peace The Day has come to begin the work of our renovation. Our future may lie beyond our vision, but it is not completely beyond our control. The attemps made by all civilizations throughout the world to teach and practice humanity were not successful as all those have taught only religions but not the humanity. Humanity cannot be taught or practiced through present religions. The only way to overcome these problems is to teach not the religion but the right knowledge and the righteous living that is humanity. We can Establish World Peace based on the Foundation of Reincarnation Scientific Reality to Resuscitate Humanity by the knowledge of (1) Research on Reincarnation (2) Research on the Secret of Mind (3) True Education (4) Right way of Living (5) Self – Realization If we stand only 3000 years back on the time scale we find that the present religions and religious conflicts of today were not there. The very reason being that the founder fathers of Buddhism, Jainism, Islam, Christianity and all other religions of present day were not at all born. This shows there was a society only 3000 years back in the history of the world without these present religious conflicts. These religious fathers implemented certain humanitarian principles, customs and systems which are branded as religions were meant to help the society to live in harmony with good conduct and morality. They never meant to create any suffering or conflict which harms the society and in turn humanity itself. Now we have just enough religions to make us hate but not enough to make us love. The crisis of humanity is the result of Human absurd conduct and ignorance of existence regarding the realities of religion, nationality. Research on reincarnation for the past 40 years by our Reincarnation Research Centre in Bangalore and also by an American, Dr. Ian Stevenson the top most investigator on rebirth; with his assistants around the world, and also other esteemed researchers all around the world have established beyond anyone’s doubt that same individualities or personalities are born many times in different religions, nations, caste, creed, gender, learning different languages, customs and systems. This strongly upholds that our fellow human beings living at present in different nations, following different religions, caste, creed, were our own fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, husbands, wives, friends, relatives etc., and even our dogs and other pet animals in many other lives. When such is the condition and its where is the meaning to fight in the name of religion, nations, languages, castes, and creed. By proving Reincarnation Scientifically in laboratory through thoughto - photography, we can resuscitate humanity on the basis of reincarnation’s Scientific reality. This Scientific reality naturally creates on atmosphere of positive attitudes and tendencies in the life of people at the personal, social, national and Global level resulting in World peace Thus, the Reincarnation reality to-day opens its doors of wisdom for the people who consider wisely the meaning behind any nationality, language, religion and also realities of existence itself in the light of karma and reincarnation. Hating people is like burning down your own house to get rid of a rat. The greatest and noblest pleasure which man can have in the world is to discover new truths and the next is to shake off old prejudices. If this is not our first life time then it will probably be not our last. If all of us could accept the philosophy that life is a continuing force and what we do to others now, will be done to us in future lives, our behaviours would dramatically change. If the humanity has to exist to make the life to triumph we need a revolution. The Reincarnation theory through its bright search lights Opens the curtain of wisdom. Let us begin by changing ourselves a little, which all of us are capable of doing by contributing to the common strength and joy. We all have something in common, an earnest desire to build a better tomorrow, to make the world a better and safer place to live in. It is the essence of our heritage, the sum of substance of our culture ; we do not call it charity or generosity we call it as our human duty, to advocate universal brotherhood. We build a way of life, not for one nation alone but for all other nations. Our ultimate aim is to become better human beings. Even though our heart may not bleed, our eyes may not cry , yet our deeds are for those human beings whose heart bleeds and whose eyes cry. Let us create an awareness to renovate the modern man to establish World peace and to resuscitate humanity. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, With regards Sd ( Dr. C. Ramaswamy ) Founder and Director : Reincarnation Research Centre Phone No. 080 – 26615449
Posted on: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 01:21:38 +0000

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