On 3rd march 2013 i took a flight to kenya and landed at JKIA - TopicsExpress


On 3rd march 2013 i took a flight to kenya and landed at JKIA around 6am.without wasting time i hired a taxi which took less than an hour up to my place in komarocks .by 8am i was at my polling station and stood on the queue to vote for the future of my daughters. I chatted with a few friends, who indicated that embakasi and indeed nairobi had decided to be on the right side of History and they were going to vote for CORD Candidate, Raila Amollo Odinga. We braced the hot sun and by 11pm, I managed to vote, after waiting for more thab 12hrs . I was satisfied, and a quick analysis showed that our candidate got most votes within the constituency, and indeed everywhere. We wanted the economy to grow. We wanted youths to get employment. We wanted free Primary and Secondary education to expand, and we wanted ECD and Nursery teachers to be under TSC. We wanted University education to expand, given that Kenya is a knowledge economy. We wanted to kill tribalism and corruption. We wanted to show that any Kenyan can work hard and become President. We wanted our mothers to access markets for farm produce, our foreign exchange to stabilize, our interest regime to be predictable, our Forex reserves to grow, our export market to expand, our regional dominance as East Africa super power to be reaffirmed, our teachers to be paid better, our Lecturers to be paid better, our Doctors and Nurses to be paid better and all Civil servants to have their salaries and allowances harmonized and reviewed upwards. We voted for RAILA AMOLLO ODINGA, not because he is the best, but because he was the best at that time and he was having the best team with Kalonzo, Wetangula and other Kenyans from all over Kenya. We wanted to have a Country where we are respected locally, regionally and internationally. We wanted Kenyans from kisii, Lamu, Gwasi, Eldas, Alale, Muranga, Narok, Turkana, Nandi, Elgeyo, Kuria, Teso, Meru, Embu, Ukambani, Uluyani, Coastal, Somali, Nairobians, Borana, Rendile to Malakisi to feel proud, safe and happy to be Kenyan. We simply wanted a good country for our kids. But SATAN had other designs. First, the votes were manipulated and stolen, and even IEBC has confimed, through CEO Oswago that ‘if there was stealing’ then he was not part of it. People of dubious characters were eventually declared winners, after getting votes from Kikuyu/Kalenjin communities. Kenya is sinking everyday. The Kenyan shilling has sunk lowest in weeks, faster than any currency in East Africa, against the DOLLAR, worse than BURUNDIAN FRANC. Soon, we shall not afford imported goods. Our balance of payments will be in shambles soon. The Teachers, who are the largest,single civil service block, are not happy, as the same illegitimate government has decided to refuse to pay them. The kids have been out of school and they will be out again next week, this time indefinitely. Lecturers and University staff are headed to strike next week. Doctors and Nurses are hanging on tentacles. Civil servants are headed to strike. The ARMED forces are restless because of ILLEGAL deductions. The police REFORMS stalled before take-off, and the police are on go slow. The County Government is in crisis, and now, PARLIAMENT wants part of the meagre 210B approved to be returned to Nairobi..meaning the actual amount of money for DEVOLUTION is less than what UHURUTO has been banding around. The civil servants have not been paid their salaries. Major capital projects have come to a standstill. VAT is still in the pipeline, and the poor will still pay higher, since already the cost of living is increasing daily. The cost of power installation has more than doubled. The COST OF BANKING NOW HAS 10% SERVICE CHARGE. For those unschooled, it basically means that if you have 100K in the account, 10k belongs to the Government and whether you like it or not, they will take it. Same to MPESA etc. To those who voted along tribal lines..and supported these two HQ-bound fellows…shame on you. You knew what you were putting us in. You went ahead and did it because you were blinded by tribal emotion. Kenya will never be the way we knew it. You did your Country a disservice. These fellows were told to clear their cases at the ICC before seeking leadership. Now Kenya is being used as a shield to avoid ICC. This is the tragedy of our times. I know those with limited mental capacity, and who have no single brain to understand these basics will jump here with insults and trying to defend the JUBILEE team. Ask yourself….If Kenya goes under today, would you survive? Are you buying things at subsidized prices? Shame on all those who pushed us into this MESS. Shame to IEBC and their agents in the security service who worked hard to impose this on us. We shall fall, but we shall fall together. You have been mocking me and calling me names that i wastrd my ticket and leave days but its my time to smile as you will be the first to cry.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Aug 2013 11:45:06 +0000

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