On Artists & Producers/Promoters in Barbados: Speaking about this - TopicsExpress


On Artists & Producers/Promoters in Barbados: Speaking about this issue could go badly, but I think this stuff needs to be said, in a public forum, as clearly & respectfully as I can say it. I am not talking about Charities right now. Im going to attempt to explain why asking artists to perform for free is disrespectful, selfish and counterproductive if your goal is to stimulate the creative industries. Yuh know, that good ole industry that could help save the economy of Barbados... nothing big. Its actually really simple! Would you NEED a plumber to come fix your sink, and ask him to do it free? Would you NEED groceries and pay the cashier weeks, even months, after the fact? Asking a professional artist to perform for free is saying: - I do not take what you do seriously enough to compensate you for your time, talent and effort. It has become so normal, I find, to ask an artist to perform, stay in contact re: rehearsals and everything YOU need to make your show come off well, and then fall off the face of the earth when its time to deliver, the already insufficient funds. Because maybe you just dont understand what goes into that lil 15 min set, Id love to explain so that we can all be on the same page. We: - Rehearse for hours, costing us time, money for gas and food, and renting rehearsal space. - Musicians and singers require payment, because without them, the performance wont be that amazing thing you want to fill your seats. So we have to pay for our backing band. - Have to pay to be well outfitted, because thats just the global standard we strive to meet. - Have to buy equipment to enhance our performance. - Have to pay to record our music at a global standard. - Have to pay for photoshoots, videoshoots, marketing etc Being an artist is expensive. Most Barbadian artists work tirelessly to keep things at a great standard, drawing attention to the island and the culture. We put mental, emotional, spiritual and physical energy into everything we do. You work from 9-5pm. We work from the time we wake up, to when we fall asleep. Some days I work 17hrs. Im no huge exception for a full-time artist. Alot of us work this hard. And, oh ye...were humans on earth...so we have to eat and pay the very same bills you pay. You like Wing Dings. We like Wing Dings. Your profession allows you to be paid steadily. Its your job to get artists to fill your seats, while remaining within the budget. Its our JOB and right, to say No. if we cant be paid decently. We arent divas, b*tches or arrogant for wanting to eat. We arent hobbyists either!! We provide society with something it needs, and yet were disrespected on such a fundamental level. You dont mean to do it...but you do. So Im letting you know. I encourage more artists, who have paid their dues, to say no more often. We get what we accept, and if we keep on settling for less because we need quick money, we lower the standard and make it hard for those coming up under us. Charities, hit me up. If I can, I will perform. Everyone else, Im sorry, but no. Im LEGIT better off sitting at home making Youtube videos, because it offers more exposure than your event. Countless artists have told me to forget about Barbados because this and that. Theyre right about all their complaints...but maybe continual conversation can slowly change things. Maybe one dae, artists hard work will pay off. Im a #DaeDreamer. Sue me.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 23:36:42 +0000

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