On August 21, 2014 Health Impact News published an article on the - TopicsExpress


On August 21, 2014 Health Impact News published an article on the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge: ALS Ice Bucket Challenge: Do You Know What You Are Supporting? We were one of the first sources to publish publicly available information directly from the ALS Association’s website documenting just where the ALS Association spends their funds. The article soon went viral, and within 1 week had over 800,000 views. So it wasn’t too long after this that Facebook users started commenting that Snopes had proven our article as “FALSE.” I thought to myself, how can it be “false,” when all the data we shared was directly from the ALS Association’s website and publicly posted tax returns?? Disagreeing over how a charity spends its donated resources is one thing, but when it comes to the issue of CDC fraud and children being damaged by vaccines, the stakes become much higher. So when people on Facebook began stating that Snopes had proven as FALSE that there was a senior vaccine scientist at the CDC who had become a whistleblower on the issue of hiding data linking vaccines to autism, we decided it was time to take a serious look at just what the Mikkelsons were actually saying, and who their sources were. Another example of where relevant data has been withheld from the public regarding dangerous vaccines, which we have covered frequently here at Health Impact News, is the HPV vaccine. A search found this article on Snopes: Urgent Warning About Gardasil. Once again, we have the same two problems with stories the Mikkelsons cover on issues related to the pharmaceutical industry. First, they set up straw man arguments to knock down, and second, they use sources they trust but which many other people may not trust, as their primary sources. Here is the claim they supposedly proved “FALSE” in regards to Gardasil, the HPV vaccine that has injured and killed so many young girls: “The Gardasil HPV vaccine has been proved to have caused the deaths of 32 women.” It is very easy to prove this claim as “false” simply because U.S. law prevents anyone from suing a U.S. manufacturer for damages due to vaccines, in this case Merck. So it cannot be “proven” in a court of law. If the claim was “The Gardasil HPV vaccine has been linked to the deaths of 32 women,” it is certainly true, as the adverse events for this particular vaccine are recorded in the government database for adverse vaccine events. What the Mikkelsons fail to report in this article is that the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program is paying out damages due to the Gardasil vaccine, and in other countries there are in fact lawsuits from victims currently being litigated for injuries and deaths due to the HPV vaccine. So, do YOU trust the Mikkelsons and their website Snopes on health issues? Are they an unbiased source of information regarding news related to the pharmaceutical industry, Big Food corporations, or the government agencies that regulate them? Read More At getholistichealth/40601/can-snopes-be-trusted-on-health-issues/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+getholistichealth%2FRerQ+%28Get+Holistic+Health%29
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 14:51:51 +0000

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