On Bradley Manning’s Show-Trial-Notes The following - TopicsExpress


On Bradley Manning’s Show-Trial-Notes The following observations and comments are those of one of Bradley Manning’s supporters from Boston who attended the two days of closing argument and a rally at Fort McNair on July 25-26: July 25, 2013-expanded From Occupied Fort Meade- Tough day today although it started nicely with about twenty Bradley Manning supporters doing the 7 AM stand-out before trial. This stand-out has been a first trial day of the week event since the trial began on June 3rdas a way to show solidarity with Bradley and in order to publicize the fact of the trial to people on way to work at the fort and in the environs. Everything else though was down-hill from there. At the beginning of the court-martial proceedings the judge, Col. Denis Lind, denied Bradley’s civilian attorney, David Coomb’s motion for a directed verdict of not-guilty, a directed verdict meaning the government has not presented enough evidence to convict beyond a reasonable doubt, on the theft of government property over $1000 charge (the government property being essentially the computer(s) and information used to gather the Wikileaks material). She also granted the government’s motion to change the way the charges were read, a major change, on that part of the indictment. And Col. Lind also denied Bradley’s motion, as was expected, for a mistrial based on that major change in that charge. (A successful mistrial motion meaning the government having to start all over, or refuse to re-try, in the interest of a fair trial). Col, Lind has consistently ruled in the government’s favor throughout this case from denial of pre-trial motions to dismiss for lack of speedy trial and torturous behavior by the government during Bradley’s detention at Quantico on forward. Occasionally she has thrown the defense a bone like when she gave Bradley 112 days “good time”for the government’s torturous behavior and today when she ruled that she would not consider that Bradley stole, in essence, the United States government’s entire computer system when he used his computer during his Wikileaks activity. The worst part of the day though was the prosecution’s summation which lasted all day (from about 10 AM until almost 6PM with breaks) where Major Fein, the government’s lead attorney , called Bradley an anarchist, evil, a traitor, and every other vile thing to impress the judge with his heinous crimes. Essentially that Bradley was a direct and conscious agent of Osama bin Laden and that ilk. A“highlight” of the presentation was when, several times, a picture of Osama bin Laden was placed on the court room screen as an example of the terrorists who could have benefitted from the information that Bradley exposed. Apparently the government decided to throw every possible evil intent theory in the book to present Bradley in that light hoping that some of it would stick in the judge’s mind. The main thing though was that the presentation had very little relationship to the evidence presented at trial which is what a summation is supposed to do. Basically to highlight the main points that one of the parties wants a judge (or jury) to consider while deliberating. And so it went. After the judge called a recess for the day, and in response to the hachet job done to Bradley’ s name several people shouted “Free Bradley” as we were leaving and I held up my fist in solidarity. Yes, tough to take. Read the transcript, or some of it, maybe the first hour, at the Bradley Manning Support Network- bradleymanning.org/-to get a flavor of what happened.As a result of the long-winded government summation the defense is going tomorrow. July 26, 2013 David Coomb’s presented a three- hour defense (with the inevitably recesses) which stuck to the point he probably originally intended to argue if the court schedule of one day for summation had been adhered to and added some directly related to the government’s argument of the day before. Remember Bradley has already taken political and legal responsibility for some of the charge against him in a pre-trial hearing statement back in February so Daivid Coomb’s did not cover those charges. He concentrated on the charges in contention, basically, those charges related to the “theft” and “unauthorized” use of governmental property and the real issue at hand, the one that could put his client away for life, knowingly “aiding the enemy, being a spy essentially. Mr.Coombs’ demeanor and voice was calm and collected (and occasionally a little humorous) as opposite to the “mad dog” presentation by Major Fein. At the end of the defense’s summation the audience applauded and some people called out “Free Bradley”. We did not stay for the government’rebuttal (their right to have the last word since they brought the case)in order to attend a 3 PM rally at Fort McNair in support of the next phase in the fight for Bradley’s freedom. Col. Lind recessed the court-martial stating that she will have a decision in the next few days and will give one day notice when she will delivery her opinion. At Fort McNair, a small fort in Washington, D.C. where the convening officer for Bradley’s court-martial, General Buchanan has his office about one hundred and fifty supporters gathered for a two and one half hour rally. We have known all along that Bradley would be convicted of some crimes, crimes that he took political and legal responsibility for in February, although perhaps early on we did not expect that the life sentence “aiding the enemy” charge to prevail. After the trial closed on Friday no one should expect, although we all still hold out a little hope, that Bradley will not be convicted on that major “aiding the enemy”charge. Thus we need to begin the next stage of Bradley’s campaign and that was the reason for the demo at Fort McNair. General Buchanan does not have the authority to overturn Bradley’s conviction (only an appeals court could, or the judge on reconsideration) but he can reduce the sentence. That is one avenue we can pursue now. The demo was spirited as we marched through the D.C. neighborhoods surrounding the and essentially closed the two main entrances as the military responded to our efforts. Everyone should help by doing the following: Call (202) 685-2900 The military is pulling out all the stops to chill efforts to increase transparency in our government. Now, we’re asking you to join us to ensure we’re doing all we can to secure Bradley’s freedom as well as protection for future whistleblowers. Major General Jeffery S. Buchanan is the Convening Authority for Bradley’s court martial, which means that he has the authority to decrease Bradley’s sentence, no matter what the judge decides. As hundreds of activists join us in DC today to demonstrate at Maj. Gen. Buchanan’s base, Ft. McNair, we’re asking you to join our action demanding he do the right thing by calling, faxing, and e-mailing his Public Affairs Office. The convening authority can reduce the sentence after the Judge makes her ruling. Let’s Remind Maj. General Buchanan: •that Bradley was held for nearly a year in abusive solitary confinement, which the UN torture chief called “cruel, inhuman, and degrading” •that President Obama has unlawfully influenced the trial with his declaration of Bradley Manning’s guilt. •that the media has been continually blocked from transcripts and documents related to the trial and that it has only been through the efforts of Bradley Manning’s supporters that any transcripts exist. •that under the UCMJ a soldier has the right to a speedy trial and that it was unconsciable to wait 3 years before starting the court martial. •that absolutely no one was harmed by the release of documents that exposed war crimes, unnecessary secrecy and disturbing foreign policy. •that Bradley Manning is a hero who did the right thing when he revealed truth about wars that had been based on lies. Remind General Buchanan that Bradley Manning’s rights have been trampled – Enough is enough! Please help us reach all these important contacts: Adrienne Combs, Deputy Officer Public Affairs (202) 685-2900 Col. Michelle Martin-Hing, Public Affairs Officer (202) 685-4899 The Public Affairs Office fax #: 202-685-0706 Try e-mailing Maj. Gen. Buchanan at [email protected]/ The Public Affairs Office is required to report up the chain of command the number of calls they receive on a particular issue, so please help us flood the office with support for whistleblower Bradley Manning today! Saturday July 27, 2013 –Boston At Park Street Station in Boston, a historic site for progressive stand-outs in the city, about fifty to sixty Bradley Manning supporters several organizations showed their solidarity as part of an international day of solidarity as Bradley’s trial winds down and a decision is pending shortly. Many spoke out in support of Bradley and other issues and we were able to raise $300 for the Bradley Manning defense campaign. Go to the Bradley Manning Support Network- bradleymanning.org/- to view photos from this and other demos and to contribute to the defense fund.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Jul 2013 19:23:03 +0000

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