On Christmas Day of last year a dear friend and I were chatting on - TopicsExpress


On Christmas Day of last year a dear friend and I were chatting on FB. She and Tim were FB friends first. She told him around March of 2013 she felt he was going to meet someone in September and she was a nurse. I didnt know this, nor did Tim know I was a nurse until the weekend we met in WV in Sept....as we were talking about my career it came up. We both found it odd and he admitted that if he had know I was a nurse he probably wouldnt have met up with me. While she and I were chatting on Christmas Day she told me a few other things she was feeling about us and they have been pretty correct. Then, out of the blue during that chat she threw out that something big was going to happen for me career wise in Oct of this year. I really didnt give it much thought......it was before I had decided to get into skincare. Well.....Ill be damned! She was correct! About a month ago I inquired about a possible PT Esthetician position in Roanoke with a company opening in November. For some reason I decided to send the my FULL resume....from nursing to owning/managing several businesses to tending bar to hair to skincare. They emailed me after a couple of weeks and asked for an interview as Manager of this new venture. I was a little shocked. I was the first person to be interviewed and they contacted me for a second interview......except that it was to officially offer me the position. Its an amazing opportunity that Tim and I believe I couldnt say no to! So.....my something BIG career wise in October IS happening.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 22:35:39 +0000

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