On Class War, 20,000 B.C., part two. Fresh from the Planetmates, - TopicsExpress


On Class War, 20,000 B.C., part two. Fresh from the Planetmates, on the Controller-Conformer alliance creating scarcity … to elicit compliance and conformity of Authentics: “This Controller-Conformer alliance would, nearly everywhere, come to dominate in the struggle for resources over those Small Accumulators who sought to hang onto more natural and authentic behaviors and lives. “This is how they accomplished that: Naturally this alliance would mean their numbers would be greater. But the power that came with control of great resources allowed them also higher degrees of organization. For humans could be organized along lines not to their choosing, rather in accordance with the designs of those at the top through the power of gifts and rewards from the Big Accumulators. You would these days say that rich folks can pay others to do their bidding and work toward their ends and not the ends that people would choose if not coerced and bribed that way. So coercion through distribution of resources by the few allowed greater organization of activities along the lines beneficial to the elite. “But the Controller–Conformer alliance would be even more successful because they would go further than that. Not only could they organize the activities of large numbers of people to benefit the Controllers in the acquisition of greater amounts and storage of resources, thus increasing their power and ability to do that all the more, in vicious cycles of greed and power. Not only would this in itself allow them to rise in dominance over the more natural, individualistic Small Accumulator—the Authentics. But their raging fears of want and deprivation had no bounds; they expanded their control over other humans way beyond what was involved in simply winning out in the resource contest. “Backing up, remember that the Big Accumulators (the Controllers) shared something with the Conformers — an excessive fear, again from that early birth trauma, of lack of resources and its ultimate consequence, death. The Authentics risked more, in pursuing the ends of the soul, so they either had less fear, for whatever reason, or their desire for a richer experience of life was greater and caused them to take on the burden of that fear. “But the Controllers and Conformers—fearing death, deprivation, and uncertainty to an extreme degree—would feel that nothing less than the control of all resources and the conformity of all other humans to their will and ends was required. With excessive fear, or diminished appreciation of life in itself, or both, they felt that the only way to find relief from their overpowering anxiety about existence came in attempts to control everything, to control all variables of existence, especially the ones related to accumulation, and all the humans in any way involved with any of this. “So the Controllers and Conformers would not merely seek to gather and accumulate resources, they would seek also to eliminate any competition for these resources, however slight or inconsequential, however small or disorganized that competition might be, in the form of the natural, authentic, but also individualistic Small Accumulator. “They did this in a number of ways, beginning with gathering and hoarding as much of the available resources as they could. “Hoarding in this way would leave the non-conforming Small Accumulator—the Authentic—with less than enough even to survive. So the Controller-Conformers would create scarcity. They created also starvation and death for the Authentic. “Think back, now, scarcity does not exist in Nature. You can see that if you but look. Imagine any natural setting. The only way that you can view that environment as not prodigious with possibilities for sustenance, shelter, or any of the physical needs is if one has narrowed one’s understanding of what satisfies one’s needs. Looking at any environment from the perspective of seeking one or a few items, is the only way most environments can be seen to be at all lacking. But expanding one’s understanding of what can be used to satisfy one’s physical needs to what is usable and possible, one cannot help but see Nature as a cornucopia. In your mythologies you display your lost understanding that Nature is really that way, and that you have simply stopped seeing that. “No. What you have dreamed up instead is this idea of scarcity. But scarcity is not a true perception of Nature, it is one that has been perpetrated by humans themselves—in particular, the Controller-Conformer alliance—for their ends alone. How better to persuade authentic Small Accumulators to become Conformers or at least to bend to Controller’s wills than to make it that they have no recourse by resorting to Nature on their own—whether true or not? And, indeed, the Controller-Conformer alliance, in gathering and hoarding resources well beyond any need, they sought to create that scarcity in reality. They would elicit compliance by eliminating alternatives….”
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 05:59:01 +0000

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