On December 7, 1941, 73 years ago, the US was attacked as its Navy - TopicsExpress


On December 7, 1941, 73 years ago, the US was attacked as its Navy was starting another Sunday morning in port, lying at anchor in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Japanese Zeros and bombers came out of the sunrise, achieving complete surprise. The Navy had even staged an exercise with a surprise attack arising from the exact location the Japanese carriers lay to, that Sunday, but had discarded the idea as too fanciful, in preparations for what everyone agreed would be the coming war. A lo of accusations have been tossed around, in the succeeding years, about FDR knowing, and the like, but, to be frank, EVERYONE involved knew, they just didnt believe the Japanese WOULD, or could, mount such an attack. The country came together, races, classes, sects, Yankees, Rebels, Okies, all one nation, in the instant of hearing of the attack. Men lined up outside recruiting offices, the next morning, eager to do their part, rich,poor, young and middle-aged! John Wayne, then 34, with two kids, even tried to enlist, but the Army wouldnt take him, because of his age. That was the difference, between then and now. When the twin towers fell, Army, Navy, and Marine recruiting got a boost, but mostly from lower and Middle Class homes. Not many wealthy families were interested in investing their sons, or daughters, this time, in the fight for freedom. Thats a big difference, because in 1941, and in 1917 before it, young med from wealthy families FLOCKED to the recruiters! Not so, now, whether in response to the lines from the Country Joe and the Fish song, I Feel Like Im Fixing To Die Rag: Be the first one on your block, To have your boy come home in a box. Suddenly, it was no longer cool to be a Gold Star Mother, and the young men, and women, no longer felt the pull of the trenches, glory, or the need to defend the flag. That spells doom, for our nation, when the young people dont think they should bother. Wars have ALWAYS been fought by the young--theyre the ONLY ones who can put up with the strain. War is a young mans game, after all. What does the future hold? Its hard to say, but politicians, and Wall Street sharpies, like Myth RobMe are trying hard to sell us out, taking the money and running, although its hard to understand WHERE they think they will be safe. When there is no US, anymore, there will be NO place safe for any but the STRONG, and money men have NEVER been that kind of strong! Theyre more likely to try to make a deal, while your average thug will just smile, and take the money, then have that person shot, or put to work doing something to make MORE money. Its dark days ahead, when smart people would rather put their necks in a noose, than take the risk of stepping onto the battlefield. Accepting the bonds of slavery is a life sentence, but accepting the toss of the dice to don the uniform of ones country is not. There is no surety in a bullet striking this soldier or that; everyone takes their chance. One way is the path of the coward, the other the path of a warrior. We must all make our choices, but it is far better to live a short life, freely, than to live forever in bondage. Some wise man surely said those words, as many as have been said on the topic.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 04:47:30 +0000

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