On Diversity We firmly believe that poetry is about bridging - TopicsExpress


On Diversity We firmly believe that poetry is about bridging the invisible distances between each and other - it does not have one single voice, it is not a science of fixed facts. It deals with truth and understanding and has as many variations as there are people, perhaps more. It takes its finished form in the spaces between poets and readers - the gaps between words - as each part of that balance contributes to whatever mutual understanding rises. The viewer is central to the view. It doesnt tell - it shows, reveals things unknown, sometimes even to its author, deeper things that are evasive and difficult, rising from that inner eye, more often to frame the right question, than offer any answer. And it does all this using a brevity of language, just so, the right words and nothing more. To that end, poetTown will allow poets to write in almost 250 languages, at current, and well add more. Well also seek to be as inclusive as possible of lesser known or spoken languages. We want every voice to be shared, without the boundaries of nations, castes, religions, cultures or languages. It does not matter what language a poet seems to speak and write for all poets share a common language - held quiet and deep at their center. Well allow poets to mark a poem Translatable - an invitation to others to translate the words to another language. In this way, we hope to spread poetry that, otherwise, might never have been known beyond the circle of its format .... and we would like poets from as many cultures and life settings as possible. Humans, too often, tend to huddle among their own - but not poets - these stand at the frontiers of culture, looking to build bridges between worlds. We believe this deeply ... we hope we find those, like-minded, to share this view with. Kate
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 18:55:55 +0000

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