On ‘Educated’ and Good People. Not so few people express - TopicsExpress


On ‘Educated’ and Good People. Not so few people express frustrations that formal education has not been able to make those who have acquired it better human beings. Better people in the sense that the educated people have not been a lot kinder, wiser or demonstrate elevated levels of emotional intelligence relative to folks that have little or no formal education. It’s not just only ‘uneducated’ folks that are frustrated with ‘educated’ folks acting ‘stupid’, educated folks are also frustrated with themselves and their ‘educated’ colleagues for not being better human beings after receiving this formal education. ‘Educated’ folks are frustrated with other educated folks for doing things that they should have been educated out of, for being still ‘stupid’ or emotionally illiterate even after successful passage through the school system . The burden of ‘stupid’ actions of the educated folks is bigger because they have gone to school. The blame carries an insidious message of a ‘supposed’ role of the school system that is not being meted on the products of the school system, aka the educated. People insinuate that the school’s education has not achieved its ‘purpose’ on some educated folks. That said; let us look at the supposed role of the school, the role of synthesizing better human beings out of the not-so-better human beings that go to school. When was the public school system invented? Why was the public school system invented? What is the purpose of schools? The invention of the public school system in England and Americas occurred during the agrarian and the industrial revolution, in the late 1800s to 1900s. There was a rising demand for skilled workers for the industrial complex. From operation of machines to bookkeeping for the industrial complex. There was need to maximize production and profits. Schools were meant to be training facilities for industrial laborers to acquire more or special skills that were demanded by the new revolution to maximize production and profits. The ancestors of today’s public schools served that purpose then. The public school system has evolved and so has the industrial complex. The public school system has gone under reforms to what it is now, but it still carries the insidious intent of the initial purpose of their invention, the purpose of its ancestors: to produce skilled workers for corporations. Corporations in today’s 21st C societies are what industrial complexes were to the societies in the 1800s. Corporations are the descendants of the industrial complex. As far as anyone can see, the public school system is still achieving the role of its ancestors. The stem disciplines are still math and the sciences to provide frontiers for technical know-how required for the maximization of production and income profits. The public school system has no intent to make us better in terms of kindness or dealing with one another and nature in humane ways. The parameters used in schools to measure how good one is cooperate worker, are tests. Tests on how well you can memorize and reproduce lecture materials. A piece of paper with questions on it is used to quantify that ability. One’s success depends on how good their memory is to exactly replicate memorized details or hard-work, hard-work in this scenario means persistent struggle to aid your memory. These skills of replicating of tasks and hard-work come in handy in routine work in the corporate world for maximization of production and profits. When the final product of the school goes out to the cooperate world, they are sufficiently prepared to perform their assigned routine task. The burden of making good humane human beings is not built into the public school system. Mathematics is mandatory in all disciplines. Math is mandatory from nursery, the integers, all the way to university calculus but ethics studies are not mandatory. People who blame educated people for acting ‘uneducated’ either do not understand the purpose of the public schools or are trying to hijack the purpose of public schools or are assigning the public school system a secondary purpose. The public school system is a protracted form of preparing just-good-enough corporate workers. The school system is a synthesis mechanism for mere corporate skilled laborers with little profound reflective ability on life. Blaming ‘education’ for someone bad actions is not a burden of the schools. Meanwhile the school system has not failed in its purpose; it is not a purpose of public schools in the first place. The task of being good people is upon ourselves.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Apr 2014 20:15:26 +0000

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