On Feb. 10th three days after my husbands 69th birthday we found - TopicsExpress


On Feb. 10th three days after my husbands 69th birthday we found out that he had stage 2 lung cancer and our world was turned upside down !! We didnt know what the options were or if there were any options at all. The only things we knew for sure was that we had each other and our faith in God.We also knew that we were being tested and it was one of the biggest tests we would face in our whole lives. Was I strong enough to endure ? Was Charlie strong enough to even make it thru the surgery ? Who would take care of him ? Who would take care of me ? You see Charlie has been my caregiver (also husband,friend,lover,strength,confidant and fighter) ever since I got disabled and started losing ability to care for myself. I hated living here in Va. this wasnt what I was used to and I didnt like it. I liked living in an area where you had friends that you could visit with on a daily or even weekly basis. I liked having sunday suppers with the family and the children and grandchildren. That was not to be had here in Va. Anyway......On the 10th of April after 2 months of running from doctor to doctor Charlies cancerous lung was removed. He made it thru the surgery just fine and then some complications set in. First we had some family drama at the hosp. that should have never happened. To all you children out there....I dont care how mad you are at a parent of yours...you never ever attack them on the day they are having a life or death surgery. Surgeries are not just about the body...the mind,and soul, and emotions have a lot to do with recovery so if you are mad and carrying a grudge....either let it go or dont bother going to see that parent on the day of surgery. I do want to thank Charlies ex-wife for teaching me that Charlie has been telling me the truth about her for the past 33 years and that no matter what,you cant trust anybody...not even your own family!!! Then we found out that no matter how hard he tried to eat it wasnt going anywhere. After 5 days of absolutely no nutrition at all and as I watched him getting weaker and weaker the doctors finally ordered a swallow test and found out he had 2 blockages in his esophagus. They did something to open up the blockages and put him on a new diet of slippery pudding consistency foods and we tried to start all over at getting him well.He then was released to a nursing home / rehab facility closer to home with the thought of keeping him there until he could get stronger in body and spirit. He has only been there 3 days and I am ready to bring him home and he is ready to come home. I have come to the conclusion you dont send someone you love to a nursing home to get better , because they dont do that. They are giving him all the foods he is NOT supposed to have , they dont make sure he has even ice chips or cold water and last night they covered his oxygen machine until it overheated and cut itself off. Are we still having trials ??? Yes I think we are. Can we overcome them ? Yes I think we can over come them , for like I said at the beginning ..... we only have each other and our faith in God. I dont know how much time Charlie and I have left together...only God knows that , but in the meantime I will love and protect him with every thing I have in me. I pray for wisdom every day and for strength and I pray for courage to do the things I need to do to be a helpmate to my husband. The two main things I pray for is for comfort for my husband and for my father in Heaven to give me a forgiving heart , so that I might not be like the people that did this to him. We are Blessed..... we have a God that loves us and hears our prayers and will help us in our times of trials.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Apr 2014 00:31:55 +0000

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