On February 2, 1985, the Daytona 500 Auto Race had just started - TopicsExpress


On February 2, 1985, the Daytona 500 Auto Race had just started when, on the beginning of the third lap, the $250,000 machine, driven by professional driver Donny Allison, rolled to a stop on the infield side of the track. When it was checked, it was found that no one had filled it with gas. Someone dropped the ball. Someone really dropped the ball. One of the top drivers in auto racing stalled because he had run out of gas. Unless there is power in the tank he is not in the race. The same is true for us in a spiritual sense. It is true of the individual Christian. It is true of the Church. Everything needs a power source in order to operate. Race cars and cell phones and hearing aids and watches all need power. Without a source of power they are no good. Without gas in the tank the race car goes no where – neither does the individual Christian. Neither does his Church. Yet that is how many Christians are living. We are trying to drive on an empty fuel tank, attempting to operate without power. The power for Christians and Churches is God’s Spirit. When a person is saved, the Holy Spirit comes into his heart to live. And He stays there. Even with that knowledge, the Apostle Paul wrote to the Ephesians . . . “DON’T BE DRUNK WITH WINE, BECAUSE THAT WILL RUIN YOUR LIFE. INSTEAD, BE FILLED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT,” (Ephesians 5:18 NLT) The Life Application Bible, in its footnotes on this verse, says “The Greek present tense is used here to indicate that the filling of the Spirit is not a once-for-all experience. Repeatedly, as the occasion requires, the Spirit empowers for worship, service and testimony.” Although the Holy Spirit comes into your heart to stay upon your salvation experience there can be many “fillings” of the Spirit as the need for power dictates. The source of the Christian’s power is the spirit of God. The source of the Churchs power is the spirit of God. Before you begin your day why not give a quick glance at your fuel gage. If we are going to have the joy and the energy and the enthusiasm of the early church, we are going to have to pray for Gods Spirit to fall fresh on us.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 10:42:11 +0000

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