On Friday I receive my three month Report Card from my terrific - TopicsExpress


On Friday I receive my three month Report Card from my terrific physiotherapy team at Foundations for Movement here in Southern Ontario. These are two really great physiotherapists, Cheryl and Tina who come into my home 3 times a week for 2 hours at a time. They have been charting my progress since July when we started up with physio again. Since it’s the one-year anniversary of my therapy this week, I want to keep everyone updated on my status. So everyone knows, I was 8.5 to 9.0 EDSS when I entered the clinic through Regenetek’s research program a year ago. Firstly, I need to say that I have not had a single attack of my MS or any regression in my physical condition over the past year. I have gained 10 lbs of muscle, have my colour and warmth back in my body and I have no symptoms of MS at all. This is what my physiotherapists have documented for their medical records which Ive shortened quite a bit for length: · Improved strength in all limbs – able to activate muscle work in all joints where initially there had been no muscle activation. Now independently reaching with both arms and curling torso and head/neck while pulling both legs into flexion · Able to complete functional activities with left arm, whereas initially I was unable to use this arm functionally which also requires strength in my torso · Able to sit on the side of my bed unsupported and independently, which I couldn’t do before · Improving sitting balance to allow for movement of upper trunk with a base of support in all planes of movement · Improved foot/ankle muscle control – working on sitting at side of my bed with foot on ball to control movement, and within the context of walking · Gait training – the therapist assists my body and alignment while her assistant cues the sequencing of stepping with each leg. I couldn’t even try this at first because of negligible trunk muscle control. Now, I am able to keep my arms on the therapist’s shoulders while initiating forward movement of my entire body. Anti-gravity muscle use in my legs is improving in each session. Leg stepping components continue to require cueing and facilitation, but that’s getting better each session too I still require assistance for my movements because I dont yet have the combined muscle strength. But my combined limb and torso muscle work indicates to them that my strength and ability to coordinate movements is steadily improving, and they think this is incredible since I had no appreciable movement initiation or control beyond my right hand and head/neck at the start of treatment just a few months ago. They say Im improving in sensory awareness of muscle activation and my limb movement as well. My work in standing and gait illustrate improving anti-gravity muscle work and endurance. They dont know whether this is the stem cells causing this improvement or not because they have no experience with patients like me who have had this therapy, but my sensory responses to functional movement control – my “fluttery, tingling, burning along nerve pathways from head down into feet” – have not previously been experienced in their treatment history, and thus appear likely due to the stem cells. Thats a direct quote from their report! With the improvements theyve seen, they say Im at a new level of function which is likely to result in marked improvement in speed of progression of strength and endurance. In fact, I don’t see why I can’t be the person I was before my disease! Wow! I cant say how thrilled I am to be at this point in my recovery. Today is Thanksgiving in Canada and I have much to be thankful for.
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 14:52:32 +0000

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