On Friday, I was very honored to co-host a Gala Paranormal Event - TopicsExpress


On Friday, I was very honored to co-host a Gala Paranormal Event with Paranormal Expert Susan Bove at the Healing Arts Center of New Jersey. I would like to personally extend a big Thank You to Joanne Kelleher for arranging and organizing the event. The event room was filled with approximately 16 people who were interested in understanding more about the life that was created for us here on earth and the life that is waiting for us once we cross over. Susan Bove shared many pieces of evidence of the paranormal and spoke of her personal experiences with each piece of evidence. There were many humorous moments, moments that may shock you and moments that would touch your heart. Susan and I explained in detail our insight about the other side and of the different lives spirits have the ability to live. After her presentation, I connected with the audiences passed loved ones and shared the many heartfelt and meaningful messages that they wished to share. One spirit began the conversation with me by pointing to a man in the front row and stating that I am his father but he doesnt believe in this nor does he want to hear from me. I then pointed to the man in the front row and shared that information with him. The man replied that yes his father had passed and he is right about what he said. I then shared with him several messages from his father about their life together that touched him. After the reading, with a humbled look and fighting back tears, the man smiled and said Thank You. After the Spirit Mediumship Gallery ended, many of the spirits who communicated their messages for their family members remained present in the room. At this point we began our scheduled Live Ghost Investigation. Using much of the same equipment we use in our Ghost Investigations, Susan and I prepared the room and the audience for our next event. With all the lights off except for the IR Camera that was busy displaying the rooms activity on a large screen, we began our investigation. At the beginning of this investigation we focused on establishing further communication with the spirits who spoke during the Spirit Mediumship segment. These spirits did not disappoint. To the fascination of the group, many times flashes of white light or spirit orbs (not dust) were observed on the projection screen darting about the room. This was combined with direct question responses from the Ghost Box. In a Ghost Box session we always ask specific questions for the spirits to answer. We had passed loved ones of several audience members speak their first names on cue. One name came from an 18 year old boy who died tragically after his mom asked him to speak his name. Needless to say, we were all speechless when we heard him speak his first name. As each month passes my understanding increases and grows of our life here on earth and of the different spirit lives on the other side. What also grows is my astonishment of how amazing the creation of our spirit truly is! ....... Rich :) ExpandingthePresence
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 23:43:15 +0000

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