On Friday a battalion led by yours truly went down to the south - TopicsExpress


On Friday a battalion led by yours truly went down to the south end of the vast Kajiado West Constituency for a reconnaissance to get the gist of Shompole/Olkiramatian Land matter from the people whose native land is being grabbed and auctioned by a Colonialist. After a 6hr drive we arrived at Pakaase and in a short while our leaders led by Gov. H.E Dr. David Ole Nkedianye, Senator Eng Peter Ole Mositet, MP Hon. Joseph Ole Nkaiserry, MP. Rev Hon Moses Ole Sakuda, Narok South MP Hon. Korei Ole Lemein, MP Hon. Peris Tobiko, Kenya Meat Commisison Chair Hon. Kores, MCA Magadi Ward Hon. Ole Pariken, Ole Tenaai, Ole Simel arrived accompanied by National Land Commission Chairman Mr. Mohammed Swazuri and Kajiado County Commissioner. The meeting kicked off. Mr. Swazuri rose to answer questions directed to him by Mheshimiwa Pariken. And as always, he went into the normal PR games of ‘tutachunguza, tutafanya, tutaendelea kujadiliana na viongozi’.. We couldn’t buy this mouthwash. This statement by him ‘Hakuna atakayetoka katika shamba hili” troubled us. He directly meant the Land Grabber is not going to go away from our land. Children were most hit, they ran with banners and cried out; NO LAND NO PEACE, WE WANT OUR LAND BACK, NGILU & SWAZURI SAVE US FROM EVICTION. The whole mammoth went into tears. Order was restored. The meeting came to an indefinite closure something some of us weren’t happy with. I took to the podium. I couldn’t allow a ten minutes meeting when this long cry of bringing back our land is long overdue. I addressed the meeting and we had to restart, we had sworn Friday was the last day we were going to discuss issues. Negotiating with an oppressor is something we the Maasai will never do in this earth or even another. The Kenya Maa Students Association that I led articulated the issue point by point to Swazuri and we did hit him below the belt with facts. How do they expect us to pay trespass fees in our land? How does a foreigner hold a title deed of a land that is not demarcated and belongs not to him? Were some of the big questions directed to him! He couldn’t answer us! Armed morans from the Loodokilani community demanded their title deed with immediate effect. Our leaders backed us and the following were the resolutions of the day: 1. We the Maasai do not want to see Steyn, The KWS Officers serving him and his people in our land by Monday (3rd November, 2014) – This was directed to the County Commissioner. He complied immediately. 2. The NLC to revoke the title deed held by Steyn IMMEDIATELY and we do not want to hear anything in the name of investigations. We are tired. Swazuri was unable to talk. The issue was so much beyond him, Our land is what we want back. This was repeated more than enough times. 3. The people of Kajiado County and Narok County are together in this and we will fight Land Grabbers with all our might with the help of God. Shompole and Olkiramatian belong to the Maasai and the Maasai ONLY! Our leaders displayed the highest form of unity ever experienced. H.E Gov. Nkedianye told Mr. Swazuri to let it out if he is unable to handle the matter, we the people will deliver back our land. The residents, Students and leaders agreed to fight this to the last standing man. The discussion of auctioning that land is a DEAD story. ‘’No auctioning. Who will even come to buy this land when I am here? It can NEVER happen! Over our dead bodies.’’ MP, Gen. Hon Joseph Ole Nkaiserry. We are grateful the mission has kicked off well and its not over until that Grabber is OUT. We don’t to see him even in the skies above our land. Lelero E Maa led by your able leadership of Amb. Philip Olesitau thank you so much most indeed for you solidarity with us. Brother Ibrah Kantet please receive our most humble many thanks for ensuring our transport and food were well catered for through Hon. Moses Ole Sakuda. Ashe Oleng. Sources indicated that over 32 workers who serve Steyn are out of the land already. They were removed peacefully by Warriors. No damages or injuries reported.Kindly await a detailed confirm on that. My message is and was clear to everyone “Lemayian Ole Kereto might die out of fever, typhoid, pneumonia, Malaria or Ebola but that will be very shameful. I better die fighting for justice for my people. All our land MUST come back. Parsaloi Ole Gilisho started fighting in 1913, I will deliver his dreams! and generations to come will thank God.” Olosho lai -Kanyor ntae enaa enerok enkongu ai
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 12:15:47 +0000

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