On Hillary REPUBLICSNS want blood and. Blame her. On other hand - TopicsExpress


On Hillary REPUBLICSNS want blood and. Blame her. On other hand they dont want same treatment for their people. Ill look out for Hillary. But I listened to him today. He doesnt blame HEr. Bipartisan report doesnt blame her. Only REPUBLUCANS. Sound familiar. He says REPUBLUCANS defunded safety money for embassy then turn around and blame her for no security. Hypocrisy. We refuse you money for security but hold you REDPONSIBLE. Ambassador refused help. But more important. SEC GATES SAYS. HILLARY ETC NOT BLAMED FOR DESTHS AND PROBLEMS. REPUBLUCZN SAYS DID NO WRONG. DEM SAYS DID NONWRONG SEC GATES JUST WAITING FOR REST. THOUSANDS OF MESSAGES GO THRU OTHERS BEFORE GETS TO HILLARY. Maybe if REPUBLUCANS worked with president. If they stopped filibustering. Stop. Trying to waste time ending affordable health care 46 attempts. Since filibustering put in. - of say 400. With all PREFIDRNTS. REPUBLUCANS filibustered ovef 200. With prez Obama. And 50-200 with all OTHET presidents. Does that sound even ratio to you. Pres OBAMa. Gets actually 175 AGSINST his laws and 44 presidents get 25 filibusters divided amongst 45. Fair ? For a pres who was elected by majority from 2 others in ELECTORIAL and popular vote in two elections. Whos cabinet cant be approved yet. Who Zdoes it sound like isnt doing their job. Voters or republican reps. We voted overwhelming and their minority canceled our vote. My dem reps are earning pay. By working on things. Gÿ out republican reps are being paid to say NO. REPUBLUCANS HOLD UP LAWS AND SUCH FOR MONTHS IN FILUBUSTER AND YHEN VOTE 100% 6-7 months later. Sound like time waist Its clear republicans are being threatened by tea party and such. In primary to hate president facts in this case dont lie. I feel sorry for them. They say what they dont mean. Facts show this. Their lies are confirmed by previous statements and then hey deny that. In this case I feel bad fig them. IF THEY VOTE WITH PRESIDENT. THEY LOOSE IN THEIR PRIMARY. THANK YOU ALL
Posted on: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 18:55:37 +0000

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