On Independence: 237 years ago fifty-six men did what they needed - TopicsExpress


On Independence: 237 years ago fifty-six men did what they needed to do for a reason; they outlined their grievances on paper, declared their independence, and signed their names. The British King and Parliament knew who the "traitors" were. The act was treason, punishable by death. Some lost their property, some their family detained, but all held firm. The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America were written for a reason. Gun rights, checks and balances, and clear limits on power- these were written by the fifty-six men, skeptical of others with power. It was real, they had lived it and it was worth fighting and dying for. On July 2nd, by unanimous declaration, they proclaimed the colonies, setting the date of adoption as July 4, 1776. In August they would go to Philadelphia to sign their names... Our Lives, Our Fortunes, and Our Sacred Honor "And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor." What they were prepared to lose and what they lost, remains our gain. Just over two centuries later, we pray we never remove ourselves so far from the Spirit of 1776. You cannot truly understand the freedom they gave us, until you are on the verge of losing it. We are at that point between decline and rebirth. This I feel is our Valley Forge moment. Do we choose Reading or Philadelphia? On this Independence Day, be blessed. We are truly grateful for all our young and old, those who have gone before us, to give us life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. God Bless and Keep our Military Men and Women and their families. With His endearing love, we will, we must reclaim. My Dad, born on the 4th of July, the kid who hitch hiked to college, fought in three wars, died Memorial Day weekend 2013. This 4th is heartfelt, full of memories. None of us would celebrate Independence without the old guys and our young ones standing in their shoes. We stand with them. Our Founders, did the impossible, against incredible odds. Teach your children what they did, reach out to a military family, and in that "Spirit" let us do it the other 364 days a year. Much love from ours to yours, Lou Ann
Posted on: Thu, 04 Jul 2013 22:42:29 +0000

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