On January 20, I posted the attached vintage photo, the title of - TopicsExpress


On January 20, I posted the attached vintage photo, the title of which is – “W. H. Richards house taken July 1883 Nevadaville, Col.” So, exactly who was W. (William) H. Richards … and which one of the 18 people in this photo is he? After a bit of research, I believe I have correctly identified him in the photo (see the yellow arrow in the full-frame view of the house in the 1883 photo). In one short description, William is identified as – “a teamster who hauled ore from the Hubert Mine.” It turns out that he was more than that … much more. He served in the COLORADO HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN 1891. He was FOREMAN OF THE MONMOUTH MINE AT CENTRAL CITY, and in August, 1897, was made SUPERINTENDENT OF THE COLUMBUS MINE IN RUSSELL GULCH. He was ALDERMAN OF NEVADAVILLE FOUR TIMES. ADDITIONALLY, HE SERVED AS AN OFFICER OF THE ODD FELLOWS’ SOCIETY. (More information follows.) (***NOTE that detailed captions accompany each of the photos when they are opened individually.) To enlarge photos – 1.) LEFT CLICK mouse over the photo. 2.) Press the following two keys simultaneously CONTROL + Press those two keys several times until the image is as large as you wish. **************************************** *NOTE – The following information (which has been slightly edited for length) regarding William H. Richards will be found on the following website – MARDOS MEMORIAL LIBRARY OF ONLINE BOOKS & MAPS The entry for William H. Richards appears at the BOTTOM of the page (pg. 1144) at this link – tinyurl/n62qrnr **************************************** HON. WILLIAM H. RICHARDS, a prominent citizen of Nevadaville, Gilpin County, was called upon TO REPRESENT THIS DISTRICT IN THE COLORADO LEGISLATURE IN 1890, BEING ELECTED ON THE REPUBLICAN TICKET. He lent his influence and ballot to the electing of H. M. Teller to the United States senate and has been quite a leader in the ranks of his party in this section. One of the ten children born to Edward and Margaret (Harris) Richards, our subject lived in his native country, England, until he attained his majority. He was born March 4, 1848, and received no educational advantages worthy of mention, therefore has been forced to rely entirely upon his own efforts in this direction. Peter was a resident of Gilpin County for some time, but eventually returned to England. George was killed in a mine at Gregory in 1875. Caroline lives in Central City. When he was but ten years old W. H. Richards began working in the mines near his birthplace, Camborne, Cornwall, and was employed intermittently at easy labor for several years. At thirteen he commenced the business systematically, under the instruction of his father. In 1869 he sailed from Liverpool to New York. Thence he went to San Francisco, by way of Panama, and from the Golden Gate to Virginia City, Nev. There he was occupied in mining until October, 1870, when, the Union Pacific having been completed, he came to Gilpin County, Colo. Here he was employed at contract mining, etc., and mined and prospected at intervals, on his own account. He is now interested in the Star of Gilpin, in Russell Gulch, and the Little Annie, in Tip-top district. At one time he was FOREMAN OF THE MONMOUTH MINE AT CENTRAL CITY, and in August, 1897, was made SUPERINTENDENT OF THE COLUMBUS MINE IN RUSSELL GULCH. Since 1870 he has made his home chiefly in Nevadaville, and HAS BEEN ALDERMAN OF THE PLACE FOUR TIMES. He has been very successful in a business point of view, as well as in other ways, and enjoys the confidence and respect of the entire community and all who know him. HE IS PAST OFFICER OF THE ODD FELLOWS’ SOCIETY HERE AND IS PAST OFFICER OF THE ENCAMPMENT. In Nevadaville, in 1878, Mr. Richards and Miss Kate Bartle were married. The lady is a daughter of John P. Bartle of this place and is a sister of Mrs. Libbie Williams, of Central City, who is mentioned elsewhere in this volume. Mrs. Richards was born in Cornwall and by her marriage has become the mother of two children. Georgia is living with her parents; and Lucretia died when but three years old. The family are connected with the Episcopal Church. ****************************************
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 23:12:44 +0000

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