On January 3 I will turn the BIG 50. Half of a century old, but I - TopicsExpress


On January 3 I will turn the BIG 50. Half of a century old, but I dont feel old. I wish I could say I was having some kind of 50 year crisis, but the truth is I did the crisis thing already and I did not wear it well. Not well at all. lol I am comfortable. There is a lot to say about being comfortable in your own skin. I like where I am at, who I am here, and where I am going. I finally love all of the people that I am surrounded by. I have some terrific friends. I could list all of you out but you know who you are. I am in the position to do the best work I have done yet and getting ready to add things to all of that as well. I am stable. I love being home with my cat and dog and it is okay if that might be on a Saturday night. My weeks are far too busy not to take advantage of those times when I get to have a hug break with my puppy. I still love being a Dad even though that role as changed. You know you find that you do not lose your children, but they become your best friends as you all get older. I have the three best kids. I love being a grandpa and I am proud to wear that title on a tshirt or a hat. I have the most beautiful, smartest, and sweet granddaughters a guy could ever ask for. I think 50 is going to be about finally enjoying my life and who I am within that life. It was a long road to get here. Time to enjoy it dont you think? 50 Good Things About Turning 50 by Lindsay Woolman Youre less fearful Youre not afraid to have opinions You know yourself You have a greater appreciation of life Its easier to laugh at yourself Its easier to laugh at others Its easier to take life less serioulsy You stop caring what other people think You stop sweating the small stuff You have a lifetime of wisdom to help you make decisions You are more at peace Youre less critical of your body and weight You know that eating right and exercise are the best medicine You embrace your imperfections You make jokes more often You get to use the excuse, Im set in my ways You have a reason for forgetting things You have a reason for losing things You have a reason for telling the same stories You can be as grumpy as you wish You can learn to dance You can learn to sing No one cares if youre a bad singer People expect you to be a bad dancer Your inner confidence shines You can go home early without offending anyone You can enjoy being settled in life With kids out of the house, you can be more spontaneous Your kids stop expecting big gifts from you AARP discounts are everywhere Other age-related discounts and free stuff for seniors Younger people will help you more You have more time to explore new hobbies You can wear red hats that dont match your clothes You can wear glitter or funny sweaters and laugh at yourself You can wear glitter or funny sweaters in public with pride You can go gray with your hair Retired life is just around the corner Relaxation Nap time is fun again Waking up too early and watching a sunrise Resting feels natural Buying more comfortable clothing Less comparisons to younger folks The amazing things youve seen that younger people have not Your wisdom Your advice Your ability to let go Your ability to forgive others Your ability to forgive yourself
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 14:27:53 +0000

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