On July 3rd to the 17th, Leslie & I were planning to travel out - TopicsExpress


On July 3rd to the 17th, Leslie & I were planning to travel out west for 2 weeks. Then on July 1st, the back of my arms started burning for no reason, so I mentioned this to Leslie who is a Registered Nurse, she asked if my jaw also hurt and I said yes, so she takes me to the ER and they tell me Im having a heart attack. I always thought they lasted only seconds, kind of like an like an earthquake. Mine lasted 12 hours. I didnt feel a thing and figured I could leave in the morning. They kept me 4 days in ICU and placed 2 stints in my heart. They said it was my 2nd one and Im only 44. On Sat July 5th I was released. Doctor said no lifting, no driving, no walking up steps, nothing strenuous, etc. Anyway, this was interferring with our trip so on Sunday we loaded up the car and headed west - since we were set back a few day we skipped going to Oregon. I did absolutely everything the Doctor said not to do - drove across states for hours upon hours on end, aggressively dealt with the asshole drivers in Oklahoma & California, climbed cliffs, hiked, ate unhealthy food, and even snuck in a bummed cigarette or two, endured extreme temps - 50 degree temperature drop between Sacramento & San Francisco and then 117* in Barstow & Las Vegas, then walked the entire Vegas strip (Mandalay Bay to Circus Circus and back) and I felt absolutely fine, no problems at all of any kind the entire trip. We get home, all is good, 2 days later I mow the grass then cook some crab legs for dinner - and that night I start swelling up. Wasnt sure if it was poison ivy from the mowing the grass, or the crab legs which are known for being full of bacteria, or even a spider bite, after buying a bunch of produce at a fruit stand in central California we noticed small spiders in the car. The next morning I was completely swollen up with huge hard welts everywhere like Id been stung by 100 hornets, so I went to ER again. They said it was poison ivy and gave me some Benadryl. I slept for 3 days straight and went to the scheduled cardioligist on Monday. All the rashes & welts had moved to different locations basically attacking my entire body. The Doctor said it was an allergic reaction to one of the 4 meds he gave me and took me off the Ramapril, today I decided to discontinue Lipitor - the cholesteral pill notorious for many side effects. The rashes & welts have all disappeared even though I still itch everywhere. Now my joints are in extreme pain, first my knees, then my left foot & right hand, again it moved around attacking my left shoulder so bad I couldnt move my left hand. Because my left arm was paralyzed but with pain, I called the ambulance to make sure I wasnt having another heart attack. Right now my right foot joints are so painful Im unable to walk. Tomorrow itll be somewhere else (?). I cant wait to see where Anyway, Im suppose to get stints in the other 2 arteries as soon as these allergic reactions disappear. On the bright side I finally quit smoking after 30+ years.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 07:13:26 +0000

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