On June 7th 2012 Mariana Alexandra Otero Gonzalez, at the time, - TopicsExpress


On June 7th 2012 Mariana Alexandra Otero Gonzalez, at the time, two years old; was diagnosed with Leukemia. She spent two weeks in intensive care and almost the next six months in the hospital. Her battle was not unlike those of other kids, diagnosed with the same condition, except that this battle was my daughter’s. The love and support that my family and I received from the outset, from unknowns, friends and family was overwhelming. Her army grew exponentially, while she struggled with her treatment and we tried our best to keep it together. In deeds and prayers we saw the hand of something more powerful than us at work. Her third year in this world was very challenging. She would be in and out of the hospital often and for many days at a time. Throughout this trying time her smile, her energy and something about this child, gave all of us the strength needed to help her along the way. On July 1st 2014 she was given her last chemotherapy session. A bone marrow procedure was performed and the results are expected within the next three weeks. Her very special oncologist Dr. Garcia was all smiles and very talkative throughout the procedure. She told us some time ago that Mariana is a very strong child and that inner and outer strength would help her kick cancer’s ass. To those who cried, laughed, prayed and fought with us, I want to express my deepest thanks. Every message, every kind word, every gesture, meant the world to me and I will never be able to express in words the length of my gratitude. I would be remiss if I don’t gives special thanks to my niece, CANITA OTERO. Everything you did, all the way from Patterson, New Jersey, confirmed my belief that when you follow your heart, the universe has a way of rewarding you; it might take some time but your reward is guaranteed. To have your father; my brother as part of my family since 2010 has enhanced my life immensely and has been one of those experiences that I would not change for the world, NO MATTER WHAT! Thank you for putting together Mara’s army, they were simply awesome. To my parents for being there when I needed them the most. Things might not be the same for any of us but I appreciate every minute you took to help us with Gabriela and with the little things that we could simply could not do, if it weren’t for you. I love you. Finally, Mariana is out of the woods, she is my warrior princess with the smile of an angel and the attitude of her parents all mixed into one blessed packaged of energy, life and love. I promise she will understand all of this, when the time comes and will express her gratitude as she sees fit but for now I SAY THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 03:11:45 +0000

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