On Liberals & Liberality- I like Liberals, the joke goes. They - TopicsExpress


On Liberals & Liberality- I like Liberals, the joke goes. They taste like chicken. One might think that with all my conservative writings, I must despise those of the Liberal persuasion. Not. Truth be known, some of my closest friends in life have been Liberal...even Democrat. Gasp! Matter of fact, one might say that Jesus was a Liberal. Bottom line is we, as believers, are called to live a life of liberality, being liberal givers. With that said, we should not confuse our personal, social role with the role of government. As conservative believers, our role is to live a lifestyle of liberality personally. The corporate world is not called to do that for us. The corporate church is not called to do that for us and, of all things, the corporate government is not called to do that for us When we rely on other institutions to spread our time and money to those in need, on our behalf, we abdicate both our responsibility and our opportunity as believers to exercise that liberality ourselves; oftentimes tragically missing those people God puts in our path. We must practice it personally each day in our homes, our neighborhoods, our place of employment and the marketplace. Now back to government. Our Nations founders did not design a government that would give to or care for the poor on our behalf. Specifically, they designed it to be weak in that way (as well as others) so we could freely govern ourselves...which includes our freedom to give to those around us the fruit of our labor. As a matter of fact, John Adams, our 2nd President put it this way, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” He was one of the key designers. He understood how this Democratic Republic could only be successful. Contrast that with Progressive thought today. In their mind, Government should be the great equalizer. To them, the people are incapable of using their time, talents and earnings to care for one another adequately, so government must demand it do so for them. For this scheme to be successful, resources must be forcefully collected from producers and redistributed among the less fortunate. This, my friends is Socialism. And though it sounds good, history is riddled with its failures and tendency toward a Statist despotism. Dont allow Progressive Statists to take from you that which you would give freely to those in need. Dont allow them to rob you of the privilege and reward to give and sacrifice freely. And stop expecting government to do what God Himself has equipped us, the church alone to accomplish. Instead, expect government to get out of the way, cease and desist the confiscation of resources and get back to protecting your rights to be liberal on your own.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 03:16:14 +0000

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