On Location - TopicsExpress


On Location video Link:1 youtube/watch?v=bmQ7nRVsTiM Link:2 youtube/watch?v=r0GdGL33maA Link:3 youtube/watch?v=DT4AjWu-yOw WU video 1 - Ashok is apologizing to Shagun he says I have always been yours but this Mihika lured me towards her what would a man do if a woman seduces him so, Mihika is heard saying he is lying so Ashok says of course you would say so but right now I am getting disgraced but tell all these people you yourself called me, seduced me by making an excuse everyone would consider me wrong right now. Mihika is wearing a black robe or something Ishita is with her Mihir yells dont you dare say Mihika name she had already informed me of you harrassing her and grabs his collar the director asks Ashok to be OTT and overact in this scene Shagun comes and pushes Mihir away she says Mihir cant you see your Mihika did all of this Mihir yells Mihika isnt like this what has happened to you, shagun says she was on my bed with my husband.Mihir yells saying Shagun open your eyes your fiance has done all of this you know Mihika Ashok is still trying to play innocent and when Mihir asks him what did you do to her Ashok says ask her.Mihir is trusting Mihika as he says I know her she wont do this Shagun though thinks Mihika is a liar Ashok says she called me here said I should marry her and shows a text on his phone. video 2 - Mihir says enough of this bas he always does something I said this but you didnt listen god Raj is yelling so much Shagun though is defending Ashok she became my friend and did this behind my back with my fiance on my wedding day on my bed she ruined my life the siblings are arguing like the first video Ashok brings up the message and says she even asked gifts of me and I gave her cos she knew if she asked you, you wouldnt be able to give her those things to Mihir he says the necklace which we gifted her - she threatened me to make you give it to her else she would say all sorts of things about me to you Shagun is shocked but Mihir says he is lying both the siblings are yelling at each other and saying you are blind as they defend their partners.Mihir says everyone knows what he is like and you know Mihika cant do this Ashok pipes in saying so you really know Mihika a lot Mihir says I do and I know you are behind this he asks Mihika to answer what has she done Ishu prompts Mihika asking her to speak up, we want to know what you did how did you get here Mihika is crying and silent when Mihir yells say what is the truth the woman seducing man lines are shown again and later Ishu brings Mihika who isnt yet completely recovered from the sleeping pills from the looks of it and is wearing some black sheath like thing. video 3 - Ishita Mihika come as Ashok is claiming he was seduced Mihika whispers liar he is bluffing the same lines as video 2 are canned again from another angle this time when Mihika is visible in the frame here Ashok is even heard saying whatever happened here did with mutual consent I didnt force myself on her she isnt the kind of girl who would let anyone force himself on her, look at her state after he speaks about Mihika blackmailing him for a phone, driver and necklace
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 06:03:47 +0000

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