On MY PRIVATE CHAT I received these information from Elusive - TopicsExpress


On MY PRIVATE CHAT I received these information from Elusive Particle: Hello, I have some extremly very important information for you, if you would, please share it with as many people as you can as soon as possible. No Well Waters are safe or suitable for animal consumption and plant growth, because one small glass of Well Water, on average, contains the Fluoride equivalent of one pea sized dab of Fluoridated Toothpaste. There is usually more than 0.7 parts per million of fluoride in most well waters, and we have effectively increased our exposure to Fluorides on average by 50,000%, though, some wells may be contaminated with levels as high as 12+ ppm. I believe that most people do not understand the science of why fluorides are so dangerous, so Id like to explain why, but first Id like to point out the fact that we are the only Life on this Planet to dig Deep Holes in the Ground to obtain Water to drink. The safest alternative is distilled water, or rain water (collected during long periods of rain to avoid air pollution contamination), reverse osmosis does not do enough but it may help filter many larger fluoride compounds like those which may be additionally added to water supplies by many city water suppliers. Here is why fluorides are dangerous. The Element Fluorine has the highest Electronegativity (the tendency to draw in electron mass) out of all the 118 elements on the Periodic Table, and, more importantly, one eighth of the entire Spectrum of Electronegativy for the Elements of the Periodic Table, is a gap between Element Oxygen, and Element Fluorine. Let me just repeat that once again... 1/8th, of the entire spectrum of Electronegativity, for the elements on the periodic table, is a gap, between elements oxygen and fluorine. That kind of Electronegativity drawing in electrons in a biological system, will extremely distort Biological Functions, especially systems that have not evolved to cope with the levels of Fluoride they are being exposed to. We are 70% water. Throughout roughly the last 100,000 years or so have we begun digging these holes to obtain water in the ground... evolution does not occur rapidly enough for this water to be safe by now, one quick example of the slow progress of evolution is that we split from chimpazees / bonobos nearly 7 million years ago. There is roughly 500 times more fluoride in this water from holes in the ground than there would be in natural sources of water like rain or springs, and it is destroying our bodies, developing a wide spectrum of health issues for us, our pets, and our plants. A good example of the powerful Electronegativity that the Element Fluorine has is when experiments are done in its pure state as a Gas, in this state, it is so reactive, that almost any substance, Glass, Metals, or even WATER, BURN, with a Bright Flame in a Jet of Fluorine Gas, WITHOUT the need for a Spark. This incredibly high Electronegativite Energy still lingers even after Fluorine forms a bond with positive ions, and these are what we call Fluorides. Among the wide spectrum of various health Issues fluoride can cause, Cancer is a big one, but id like to focus on another not so obvious symptom of fluoride exposure. I think it is crucial to understand this particular issue, ill start here, with the fact that we are 70% Water (Similar to most Plants and Animals). Our body can detect the amounts of Fluoride that end up in our blood stream, and if this amount is higher than the levels we have naturally evolved to cope with, our brain attempts to put a damper on precious processes like higher cognitive functions involved with imagination, and functions that are involved with implementing new neurons, and hard wiring neurons for more reliable access. This is done as a way to preserve these functions for more significant moments, which will be judged by your conscious thought and with emotions. This damper is the reason why cognitive dissonance occurs in the minds of so many people, they would much rather rely on a set of neurons that are already hardwired and reliable, than to risk developing new ones that may be distorted by the presence of excessive amounts of fluorides. Stress, Anxiety, and Depression, are emotions, and they help you especially to overcome this damper that the Human Brain Implements, it is like forcing your brain to use these parts its trying to preserve (higher cognitive functions involved with imagination, and functions that are involved with implementing new neurons) because your consciously telling it that you think what your doing is extremely important. A good example of this, is if your having a discussion with your boss at work and he is noticeably upset because you didnt do your job right, youll stress your self out over this kind of event in order to strengthen particular neurons for more reliable access so it wont happen again. That sort of behavior can cause someone to act impulsively, you know? Because they want to stick to a set of reliable and hardwired neurons proven to be rewarded day in and day out in order to avoid stress, anxiety, and depression. To make it short, excessive fluoride in the blood stream can literally makes it stressful to try to imagine and develop new ways of thinking... Your brain is telling you not too do something, via stress, unless you overcome this stress with your conscious judgement of importance. Money, jobs, and various other ways of cultures will promote the success of Particular Neurons, meanwhile demoting others, sticking to Hardwired Neurons will help you keep your job, you rewarded your self chemically when you receive praise for doing your job right or when you are receive / spend / have money, this strengthens those neurons even further. and so, perhaps we may disregard some very important Modes of thinking, like some which may be critically important for questioning the norm, like on this Fluoride / Well Water Issue for Example. Rain (Like Distillation) = Averages 0.008 ppm (parts per million) fluoride. Surface Waters (For example, Lakes, Rivers, Springs) = Averages 0.05 ppm fluoride. Bottled Water = Averages 0.1 ppm fluoride. Well Water = Ranges from 0.7 - 12+ ppm fluoride . Tap Water = Ranges from 0.7 - 12+ ppm fluoride (In america, the maximum allowance is 4.0 ppm, regulated by the FDA). Additionally fluoridated water supplies often use chemicals weve never even come into contact with throughout the last 3.5 billion years of evolution here on earth, for example, chemicals like Sodium fluorosilicate (Na2SiF6)and HydroFluorosilicic acid (H2SiF6). Fluoridation of a public water supply is medication without consent. One Of The Easiest Thing And Most Important Thing You Can And Should Do Immediately to avoid the majority of Fluoride Exposure, Is to Drink DISTILLED WATER, its very inexpensive, it cost roughly $0.88 for a 1 Gallon jug which is available at nearly EVERY GROCERY STORE, otherwise you can order it from a water supplier like Culigan, for nearly the same price. Please do this, as soon as possible, and cook foods with this water as well. If your worried about not getting enough minerals anymore once you switch to distilled water, let me assure you that if you eat acidic fruits, or add some lime or lemon (Organic) to your distilled water, you will be completeeeely fine... and feeling much better than you were before. For water with more alkalinity, you can add coconut water to your distilled water, there are plenty more options out there for you to try but a good diet is all that is necessary, many fruits will contain all the minerals you need in your diet, Banana, Cantaloupe, Water Melon, etc, fruit is incredibly healthy, especially raw fresh fruit, which happens to contain incredibly low levels of fluoride as well, especially if grown organically. Distilled water is the process of evaporating water, collecting and condensing the Vapors, which will leave you with 100% uncontaminated (no dissolved solids) h2o. Home Water Distilling Units range in Price from 100$ which is sufficient to start drinking, to 1000$ which will be ridiculously efficient, supporting your entire Family and a Home Garden as well, although rain can be very sufficient for a home garden if unpolluted, collect rain during the middle of a storm so that the atmosphere has had some time to clean its self, this is not proven but it sounds logical to me that this would help decrease pollution in your water, rain water (
Posted on: Mon, 28 Apr 2014 12:29:57 +0000

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