On March 5, 2014, my wife and I were riding through Obinagu Road - TopicsExpress


On March 5, 2014, my wife and I were riding through Obinagu Road on route Nsukka. As the vehicle was about to join Nike Road from Obinagu Road at Liberty Junction, a man wearing light blue shirt and dark trousers approached the car. Before we could understand what he was saying, he forcibly opened the passenger front door and began to wrestle my driver over the key and steering, insisting that we had contravened traffic laws. As we asked to know what the law actually was, he continued to struggle for the key and steering refusing that we should clear in a nearby petrol station. Even when the key fell to the car floor and the car rolled idly along the road, he prevented the driver from picking and inserting it into the ignition to enable better control and stationing of the vehicle. As my wife and I tried to stop him to avert further danger and possible injury, he swung over and hit my wife on the wrist and pushed me violently back into the seat. As the car came to a halt, two other men wearing the same uniform opened the back doors violently and tried to sandwich my wife and I inside the car but we quickly shut the doors. Whereupon one of them ran to the front of the car and violently ripped off the number plate. Then he darted to the back of the car like an enraged bull and tried to force the boot open. When he couldn’t, he descended angrily on the rear number plate and also pulled it off with superlative violence and undue energy, disfiguring it in the process. All the while we were still wondering what the offence really was and whether there was no better and human way of confronting offenders. Was there no way of creating awareness for these traffic laws? Is there no room for first offenders or even visitors to Enugu who may not know of these laws? As they kept mentioning obstruction, one wonders what really constitutes obstruction, and whether a vehicle waiting at a junction to join the traffic on an opposite or adjoining street is really obstructing any vehicles except those behind it which should logically wait until traffic is clear for all to move on. Even when one has run afoul of traffic laws, is it a matter of life and death? Does it call for the worst in the human animal to the effect that offenders are treated like prisoners of war? For this is what my wife and I were subjected to until a team of patrolling policemen came to our rescue. Meanwhile, two of the men kept threatening that they had the mandate to wound and maim; that their uniforms were issued from the Enugu Government House and that their activities on the road (which, perhaps, included oppressing motorists?) were sanctioned by the state government. One of the men even pushed me on the jaw and said he would rub me in the dust. After the policemen has listened to both sides, they advised the three raging and rampaging uniformed men to return the number plates to us. They did. But they continued cursing and abusing as they jumped into a ready and moving tricycle more commonly known as keke. The next day, at the same Liberty Junction, as we tried to join Nike Road, having been passed by the traffic warden, there was a little jam in the adjoining traffic. As my driver negotiated patiently, a young man in the same uniform jumped in. Initially, he blew hot and cold, refusing that we should stop by the filling station to buy some fuel. When he engaged my driver in the negotiation of bribe, I ordered them to go out of the car as I did not want to hear the negotiations. He refused to step down and ordered the driver to go to their office at Nkwo Nike. On getting there, I called a taxi to take me to Nsukka, as I was very late for my lectures. My driver later called me to say he got a written demand to pay N25000 (twenty five thousand naira) official penalty which was later reduced to a bribe of N6000 (six thousand naira). This was paid in the afternoon of March 7, as the team leader of the men could not come to the office early enough to receive the money which, I am told, he said, was so-reduced “on grounds of pity.” After the money had been paid, the Civil Defence officers who had custody of the vehicle key refused to release it, demanding to be paid for securing the car throughout the night! The vehicle was not released until about 1.30pm and I went to work around 2pm. I wonder where we are heading to in Enugu which has been the pride of the East. Societies enact laws to maintain order and discipline and to deter those who would do evil or cause harm to others. But we must also appreciate that society is there because human beings exist. When society and its trappings become an albatross on the neck of the people, it loses humanity and ceases to be a society. Laws are made to create a better society and not to generate tension and terror; they are not to be used as instruments of ambush and aggression against the population. Enugu has developed in leaps and bounds in the last seven years under the guiding hands of Governor Sullivan Chime and his team of Commissioners and Local Government Chairman. I am unsure whether the introduction of these uniformed men and their belligerent attitude to motorists will do Enugu any good. For a state as Enugu that has gained so much in terms of physical infrastructure in the last seven years, the next step should be to cultivate human and social capitals in a manner that can fertilize and advance tourism. Uniformed men claiming to be in the pay of local governments and running after vehicles like hunters running after game in the bush only paints an unfriendly picture of Enugu and will undermine its prospects for tourism. Traffic laws are very important and should be observed and maintained in a more positive and human manner and should not be used as a trap against anyone. If not, the laws will only harry people to drive in fear rather than with care. As one who has lived all his life here, I am so depressed and worried. I hope that this matter will be investigated and those concerned cautioned. If not, we are only cultivating a glorified jungle where only the fittest can survive. Yours faithfully Chuu Krydz Ikuwemesi
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 00:02:24 +0000

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