On Monday, Kevin Miller of KIDO 580 Radio will rave about the - TopicsExpress


On Monday, Kevin Miller of KIDO 580 Radio will rave about the record of Governor Otter during his last 2 terms he has had in office and his accomplishments. Look at what we as a state have accomplished under his command. 1. We have managed to run education into the ground by refusing to budget sufficient monies to allow schools to provide textbooks to our children and grandchildren; 2. We now spend less per capita on any child in our public school system than any other state in the union; 3. We have lost hordes of teachers who have left the state for employment elsewhere thus increasing the number of students per teacher in the classroom; 4. 40 school districts have been forced to go to a 4 day school week putting pressure to bear on Idahos families to find daycare for their unattended children or increase the number of latch key children who have no one at home to supervise them; 5. The number of households earning $15,000.00 or less grew by 14%; 6. The number of middle class families declined and the number of low income families increased; 7. Otter proved conclusively that the trickle down theory works!!!!! Just dont eat the yellow snow. 8. Instead of funding public education the way it should have been, Otter chose to fund a rainy day account. Well Governor, in education - its not just raining - its a hurricane and the boat are kids are in is sinking. Im voting FOR Otter this election; that is Im voting FOR OTTER to have an early retirement. At 72 years of age, Otter should be fishing and enjoying life with his wife (who is 25 years his younger). Go home and enjoy life Governor. Our children and grandchildren simply cant afford you any longer nor can Idahos families. Theres only so many second jobs available for Idaho families to take at Walmart. Theres just not enough of those jobs to go around. We need a person of experience who has successfully run a business (without having to file a bankruptcy, I might add) who can set a budget, who is devoted to both education AND business and who can lead us out of the desert and into the promised land. Of the 3 or 4 or 5 choices, Im decided to vote for AJ Balukoff for Governor. To me, there isnt any other viable choice. To vote for Bujak is a vote for Otter. Its time we made a change - and that change is long overdue. The patient (Idaho) is in need of resuscitation and Balukoff is the right doctor at the right time that has the right treatment plan to restore Idaho back to what we once were; a state devoted to providing our children with a top notch quality education which attracted new business to the state. It begins by setting education as a value/priority and then properly funding and supporting education for our children and their children. Otters efforts are too little, too late. You either lead, follow or get out of the way. Governor with all due respect, its time for you to enjoy life with your beautiful young wife. Maybe this will give you some time to spend with your kids and grandkids, too. We wish you well in the next chapter of your life. Youre a good man - just an ineffectual leader when it comes to running the state. Id be happy to go fishing with you. But I know that your fish will also be bigger than mine since the whoppers you tell far exceed reality - but thats what fisherman do anyway. Try to catch fish and then lie about their size after youve gone home, cleaned them and put them in the fridge. Maybe we should take Sherri Ybarra fishing with us, too. Its too bad really. The Tea Party fought hard for their candidate and he lost. And not only did he lose, you as governor and other punished the conservative wing of the party by ousting the chairman of the party out vis a vis a lawsuit and replaced him instead of handling this at the GOP convention. Dont think that the Tea Party will forget this. After all, an elephant never forgets. This gamesmanship upset a number of the GOP party faithful. Even business is upset with you. Parents with children and grandchildren in school are upset. Right now the only friends you have in the world are members of the GOP Republican Governors Caucus. Its time to retire and write your memoir. Heck, when you finish it, Ill even buy a copy. This isnt personal as they say - its business. And we need to get back to the business of governing our state for the benefit of Idahoans who live here and not the special interests and their lobbyists that have contaminated the GOP party and bought your soul. To the rest of the GOP - learn a lesson here. You cant treat your electorate badly. Love the ones your with - and by love that means that you support them and their values they hold dearly - its not just about gay marriage - its about taking care of the kids and grandkids. Thats more dear to Idaho families than anything else. Let me say it again - Idaho families love their children. When they hurt, their parents hurt. The malfeasance in which our kids have been treated has not gone unnoticed and we are saying as an electorate - ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. Its time for a change, and that change is AJ Balukoff this time around. But know this AJ, if you pull a fast one like Governor Otter - well send you packing in 4 years just the same.
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 17:41:21 +0000

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