On My Mind...A Matter of TRUST....As a young man I considered - TopicsExpress


On My Mind...A Matter of TRUST....As a young man I considered myself patriotic. I appreciated the value of this Government and had a huge amount of respect for the Office of the President. The 70s changed that. When political power became more important than people power. The wrongs werent being done by the people but by the few in power. Political power corruption became a driving force, not the people for which our Government SERVES. Almost over night in the eyes of Americas Greatest Generation, I was transforming into a Meat-head. In some of their eyes a good all American young lad was becoming a radical. .....Every time my President spoke I heard everything but the correct answers. President Nixon gave non-denials denials. It was like watching the TV commercial where the comparison said no product was found to be better. What I was watching was the result of what happens when Political Parties and their agenda become more important than what is the good of Country not the Party itself. President Nixon was using the power of his office and in fact the word abusing the power of his office. What President Obama is doing today is the very same thing. ....I complain here quite often that the objective Media coverage has been lacking sometimes non-existent of the policies of this President. To be fair, that condition was also present during the early years of the Nixon Watergate affair. The Washington Post was the only largely read news source that investigated the story. Even there Woodward and Bernstein often met with high level resistance within their own Organization. To point at a President was to convict the very heart of the American Democracy. In truth the actual crime wasnt committed by Nixon himself but by the Republican Party. That part of the party known as the Re-elect the President . A political oriented group whose goals were more important than those of the people the President would serve. President Obama today is in the very same boat that President Nixon found himself in. Hes isnt telling America the truth concerning the Affordable Care Act. The same Act he wrapped himself in referring to it as ObamaCare. He lied repeatedly by some counts 40 times or more stating If you like your Health Insurance you can keep your Health Insurance He continued that statement to include your doctor, your hospital and over and over repeated at a lower cost an estimated 40% lower because of the Act. It was all an outright lie. A political point made by the Democratic National Committee (DNC) just as President Nixon had bowed to the RNC some 40 years earlier. This fact has been established by the two men who actually combined to write the plan which would become the ACA bill passed by the Democratic controlled Congress. Not one Republican vote in the Senate could be found. Something, anything so important to the American society as a whole decided by Politics for a political agenda. ...Some 40 years later, Im proud to suggest I havent changed. Im still the same person whose kick-name, became Klearhead during the Nixon presidency. If nothing else Ive proven that it wasnt the length of our hair, our music or our wild parties that separated my generation from those before us. It was our belief in this Country , the training we received during our school years and the Dream that each one of us could make a difference.
Posted on: Sun, 01 Dec 2013 16:37:14 +0000

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