On My Mind....What happens after the ACA ? What are the real - TopicsExpress


On My Mind....What happens after the ACA ? What are the real projections and how do these projections affect us in the near future and also what do we expect on either a 5 year projection or a 10 year projection. ....The immediate affect were all aware of today. We have massive confusion and rather large promises that one day this will all be just what the doctor ordered. Thats true ! Surprised, well you shouldnt be. After all I take everything into account from both sides of the argument. So how do I reach this conclusion ? As I continue that will become self evident. It doesnt suggest I endorse the concept, only that when you listen to its supporters and authors of the Act that is what and where the completed Act leads. Indeed to fulfill its dream to reach its pinnacle the American Health-Care Act is the complete Socialization of the Medical and Health Care Industries. If you disagree, you havent fully read the papers on it. The author makes his goals crystal clear. ..The initial failures of the launch are quite clear and here I agree with the President that those failures are very fixable. Where I separate with them is what happens once all the software is operational. The plan itself will only continue to hurt the majority of people in this country. It will have a very limited benefit affect, possibly in the 8% of the population will receive the designed benefits. That means 92% of the people are unchanged or have received reduced benefits often at higher rates. Before you jump out of your seat screaming its a better plan, no one can receive less benefits, your wrong, you dont have a clue....I need to suggest to you What is a benefit ?. In most individuals world the deductible they pay is the first benefit they need and want to see. Heres an example, a real one. My Heart surgery in 2010 cost me all of 50.00 in my deductible, under the Affordable Care Act I can expect a 10,000.00 dollar deductible. Now for one minute look at the Baby Boomers the percentage of those people who will be covered and the expense of out of pocket expenses they will be faced with when losing those employer based plans in 2015. Your parents, possibly grand Parents, maybe you yourself if not independently wealthy are in for some tough times. ....The five year projection includes the not yet seen work of the Socialist Democratic wing of the Democratic Party. That is the continued expansion of the Affordable Care Act. to deal directly with the issues I just mentioned above. These issues will paralyze American citizens who were retired. The need to correct these situations will be immediately, without delay and the best way to deal with those issues directly now under this Act is simply to broaden the Act itself. Thats a fact. You dont limit the Act you give it the needed expansion it needs to correct the situation. Its common sense. Once that process begins it matters less whether a Representative belongs to one party or another, the immediate care will know no party. It will hasten the entire concept of Social Medicine in the United States. .....The Ten year plan leads to the completion. Doctors, Nurses, techs, you name it anyone within the Medical World in any capacity will need to be included. If you invest in Drug Companies, welcome to the new world of Socialized Medicine. There are no exceptions. Gone are those Markets, forever. If you are an investor or your retirement fund is investing in these Corporation forget about it. Its now heading for a limited government take-over. Very few of the American investors will be unaffected by such a move. The ability to make the operation work or succeed needs, requires a system as large or possibly larger then our current Social Security organization with its own tax based formula. That everyone pays into without reservation. By the way the SS fund today is nearly broke, how does that work ? ....The next 6 months in the History of this Country are critical to the very core of this Nations ability to act as a Free Independent Nation. That is how serious I view this situation. We as a nation are being Prepped in the O-R as I write. Ill close here asking all to consider this simple statement. This act we have come to know as the Affordable Care Act was in its infancy designed to help less then 5 % of the countries entire population less than 1 % of those inflicted with a situation beyond anyones control. Does this bill as presented to us today help those people? In some cases yes, but generally speaking it never deals with the 1% it was created for. For All Those Sleeping individuals will still have a deductible they cant pay when or if they are even covered.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 15:32:34 +0000

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