On October 8, I shared a story about how I was using cannabis seed - TopicsExpress


On October 8, I shared a story about how I was using cannabis seed oil capsules to control my symptoms of prostate cancer. One of the side benefits of taking the capsules was that the pain in both my shoulders has been considerably reduced. In that same posting, my friend Crystal Zatorski, told her story about suffering from the pain of Lupus. She has chosen not to use prescription medications to control the pain, as these invariably result in long term side effects, which may require even more prescription meds. A couple of weeks ago, Crystal started taking Cannabis sativa seed oil capsules, which are available legally, without a prescription, and her pain symptoms have virtually disappeared. She is able to do her job as an EMT ambulance attendant now without pain, or suffering the day after working very hard. Household chores which used to take three days, with a day of rest in between, can now be completed in one day, with no pain or discomfort, and no after effects the next day. Crystal is very thankful that the cannabis capsules have made it possible for her to live a near normal life, similar to what she enjoyed four years ago, before the onset of Lupus. I also supplied another friend in Edmonton,with cannabis oil seed capsules. She also suffers with the pain and discomfort of Lupus. L chooses to not use prescription meds because of serious long term side effects. She started the capsules last Monday. On Saturday evening, she phoned to tell me that the rash caused by her flare-ups have virtually disappeared. That means she is no longer uncomfortable when laying in bed, and can therefore sleep in peace, all night. As a result, she is well rested and has more energy. In fact, she feels as good as she did 20 years ago, before the onset of Lupus. These are just two stories of people who are attributing a more normal and comfortable life style to taking 3 capsules of cannabis seed oil with breakfast and 3 with supper. Others are reporting less pain from arthritis when taking the capsules. I thought you might be interested in these results. Please remember that everyone reacts differently to any kind of medication. What works for one person may not work for another. Also, remember that prayer/positive thoughts can have a remarkable effect on healing.
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 04:02:20 +0000

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