On Prayer (and religion): I remember I was once asked to offer - TopicsExpress


On Prayer (and religion): I remember I was once asked to offer a prayer after a meeting with a Bishop. At the end of my prayer, I said, Thank you, God, Amen. The bishop told me that my prayer was nice, but we always ask in the name of Jesus Christ, for it is through him that God answers our prayers. I thought to myself... this guy is supposed to be a Leader of his kind, and he is telling people there is a right and wrong way to pray? I instantly felt sad for the guy! And for the people who believe there is a right/wrong way to pray! Let me say this... THERE ARE NO WORDS IN THE AFTER LIFE! THERE IS NO SPEECH. THERE IS NO RIGHT OR WRONG. THERE IS ONLY LOVE. PERIOD. There is no guide for prayer. You dont have to kneel. You dont have to address anybody. You dont have to fold your arms. You dont have to say words. You dont have to be in private. You can pray in your thoughts, you can pray at work in your heart. YOU CAN PRAY HOWEVER YOU WANT! YOU CAN PRAY TO YOUR LOVED ONES! YOU CAN PRAY TO YOUR GUARDIANS. YOU CAN PRAY TO THE UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS. Religion IS man made. SPIRITUALITY does not ask for money. It does not tell you what road to take. It does not tell you to cover yourself. All that spirituality asks for is LOVE! It is simple. Not a complicated religion that controls how you pray! Telling you God wont hear if you dont do it right. The Universal Spirit hears ALL! I dont understand religion. I dont understand why someone would lead people astray this way. The only thing this tells me is that it is about power and control, and judgement. Period. The more we know and accept here in this dimension, the more we will accept the transition when we go back to Spirit. The less we settle for as far as answers go, the more searching we must do as Spirit. As Ive said before... often the light is revealed to us throughout life. And often it is denied due to teachings we have bought and paid for with time on Sundays, tithing, years of being spoon fed someone elses mandates, etc. My heart goes put to those who put themselves willingly into this category.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 22:38:01 +0000

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