On Religion - TopicsExpress


On Religion By Al Gromer Khan Sometimes in human history THE KNOWLEDGE involving the encompassing and entire human potential is put forth by a prophet or high person, from an exalted state through a coded yet simple doctrine. For example “The Kingdom of God is inside you – all you need is love.” This message meets the mind of an affiliated but common man. This person is terribly impressed because the Zeitgeist demands this sort of philosophy. He turns into a follower who will, on account of his immaturity and general lack of capacity, misunderstand and misinterpret this simple doctrine (“St Peter Syndrome”) From this misinterpretation a replica of the knowledge is being created in the mind of an ardent disciple – a simple projection, a kind of kitsch-postcard. From this initial misinterpretation an institution (society, religion, cult) is being created – an automatic process. This society will manipulate the knowledge further in order to attract followers – all with pure motivation and best intentions, motivated however from a basic insecurity which says: the more the better. Everybody is happy, for the social game is what is required and what is understood. The original idea is being discussed, but not put into practice, nor is it taken into account. From the manipulated knowledge, and in order not to lose or alienate any followers, business men create easily digestible interpretations for ordinary people. Money is being made. Political power is gained. From the identification with the institution rather than the actual knowledge a subtle kind of pride has set in: “We represent the true path – our style of worship, our uniform, makes us singular and easily identifiable for the outside world!” Next, any person, any setting deviating from this post-card image is now declared an infidel, a non-believer, seen as walking up the wrong path. Competitive thinking and rivalry within and with faculties outside the organization is next. Jealous guarding of “The Teaching” ( the misunderstood, misinterpreted, and manipulated sayings of the original guru by overzealous followers) sets in. The original knowledge has now become a political issue. (And anyway: it´s good business). Politicians appear and seek alliances with the cult. (“You keep them stupid, we´ll keep them poor.”) With the political power the original knowledge is now being projected into a material setting - a geographical location: Jerusalem, Mecca, Rome, Salt Lake City, Amritsar, Kyoto, Vrindavan, Ganeshpuri, Dharamsala, etc. Generations pass. Gurus, Popes, Cardinals, Mufties, Rabbies, Lamas, Elders, are being implemented, with some of their “human aspects” glossed over. Conflicts between different faculties of the cult occur. Wars within and crusades without, i.e. other cults sporting other uniforms claiming that same land, are inevitable. (“This land was promised to us by God …”) That which originally was a powerful subtle inner vision, meant for the highly evolved few, for inner strength – for them as a key to gain contact with the Highest Consciousness – has now become a gross material issue. Top-heavy and irresponsible atheists now enter the stage, their colours flying. “See! Different religious cults are at war with each other – Haha! – this definitely means that God does not exist!” And thus THE KNOWLEDGE has – with time – turned into its exact opposite. By coming in touch with Maya, (I am both the illusion and the truth) The Mother in Her aspect of Prakritim, in Her inscrutable way, has shown Her Will, in order not to allow Her Knowledge to be used for purposes by stupid and common people. AGK © 2014
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 11:14:24 +0000

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