On Safari With Dean From 19 May 2014 First off we would like to - TopicsExpress


On Safari With Dean From 19 May 2014 First off we would like to welcome Michelle and Justin Leegsma who are on their sixth safari with us. It is always a pleasure seeing this couple every year. 19 May 2014 We picked up Michelle and Justin at the Balalika hotel in Sandton and made our way out of Johannesburg to Nelspruit were we changed into one of the open safari vehicles and then made our way onto the Phabeni gate of the Kruger National Park. After gate check in procedures we made our way down getting good sightings of buffalo, impala, rhino, zebra and wildebeest. Upon arriving at skukuza, everybody checked in and enjoyed some good drinks on the deck, before having dinner. 20 May 2014 This morning we left camp at 06h00 and made our way down the Napi road and then onto the H3 to quagga pan looking for some of the cat species, with it been a bit quite we proceeded for about another five kilometres before turning back and making our way in the direction of the Skukuza golf club for breakfast. After enjoying a good breakfast we made our way up the Tshokwane tar to the picnic spot getting good sightings of elephant, numerous vultures as well as kudu, impala, zebra and wildebeest. After leaving the Tshokwane picnic spot, we got to hear of lions lying near the road north of maritime dam, we made our way in this direction and were not disappointed as we arrived in the final stages of three lions trying to take down a zebra, unfortunately they did not get it right and the zebra and lions made off in different directions. We got to hear of more lions further up the road, lying in the river line, and so we decided to go and find them. After a short ten minute drive, we arrived at the sighting with one male and four females lying sleeping. After a good sighting spent in the river line, we made our way back to the tar road when a message came in that cheetah had been spotted where we had passed earlier, we made our way back in that direction and found them walking from the river line towards the road. The two mature females crossed the road in front of the vehicle with one of the cubs coming across as well and another cub crossing further down the road. After this great sighting, we made our way onto Satara getting more impala, wildebeest, buffalo, elephant and baboon. A great meal was enjoyed at the mug and bean, before retiring to bed. 21 May 2014 Today it was out early again and we made our way down the notorious S100, this proved to be a quite morning with sightings of impala, kudu, wildebeest, buffalo, zebra and black backed jackal. We turned onto the H6 and were contacted by the Singita Lebombo lodge rangers, who informed us of a giraffe kill on the main Tshokwane - Satara road, we made our way in the direction and a while later stopped next to three lionesses eating a huge male giraffe. We enjoyed the sighting immensely, before turning around and making our way to camp for a late breakfast. After an enjoyable breakfast, we took a drive in the direction of Olifants camp, but with all the patch burning taking place this was abandoned on the opposite side of the Olifants river, and we returned back to camp for an early afternoon. Animals seen were impala, numerous vultures, elephant, wildebeest, baboon, hyena and black backed jackal. 22 May 2014 This morning it was out again at six o clock, in order to make our way back down south in order to meet more guests coming in on safari. We made our way back down to the Giraffe kill and were not disappointed again as we got to have a great sighting of three young females eating on the giraffe. As we moved away from the sighting, we encountered more lions lying about fifty meters from the carcass, after watching them for a while, we moved on and then about a hundred meters further down the road, we found more lions, this time two young males that had eaten themselves so full that they could not move. After enjoying the sighting, we made our way further southwards encountering good sightings of buffalo, elephant, impala, zebra and kudu. We made our way down to Skukuza for a break, before travelling onto Numbi Gate to meet some new guests from Canada that were arriving on safari. After the guests arrival, we made our way to Nkambeni Safari Lodge to check in, and enjoy lunch before departing on an afternoon game drive. The afternoon game drive took us up the Napi Road to Shithave Dam and then down the Voortrekker Road and then up to Manungu and Pretoriuskop kopies, ending at Mentsel Dam. Animals seen in the afternoon were elephant, rhino, impala,kudu and wildebeest. We returned to Nkambeni Safari Camp for a well-deserved dinner, before retiring to bed for a good rest. 23 May 2014 After enjoying an early breakfast we left camp and made our way down the Napi Road, getting good sightings of impala and kudu. We turned onto the Boulders loop and got eight wild dogs making their way up the loop to Napi Road. After turning around, we followed them for a while until they moved off the road and into the bush. We continued down the boulder loop which turned out to be quite, and then returned to Napi Road. The drive through to Skukuza was relatively quiet with a few sightings of impala, elephant, wildebeest and kudu. After a good break, it was off to Lower Sabie getting good sightings of hippo in the Sabie River, giraffe, impala, warthog, kudu and buffalo. Upon reaching Sunset Dam, we came upon a dead hippo floating in the dam with up to twelve crocodiles eating on it at times. This was a really enjoyed sighting with us spending almost half an hour there watching this unfold in front of us. We made our way to the camp of Lower Sabie for lunch and then it was back on the road in the direction of Skukuza camp and then onto Nkambeni Safari Lodge arriving back at about four thirty. Animals seen on the return journey were hippo, elephant, buffalo, rhino, impala, kudu, wildebeest, zebra, warthog and giraffe. 24 May 2014 Today was another early morning with Justin and Michelle being on there last drive before leaving us and returning to Toronto Canada, we made a turn at shithave dam, boulders loop and also went down a few kilometres on the Voortrekker road. The morning turned out to be quite, with just sighting of general game, before returning them to the Numbi Gate for their return transfer with Verity to Johannesburg International Airport. After Justin and Michelle had left for Johannesburg, we carried on with a game drive around circle road, getting elephant, rhino, impala and kudu. We made our way back to camp for lunch, after a good break, we left on an afternoon game drive getting good sightings of general game as well as a nice sighting of an elephant bull in Musth that gave us a bit of an eye while crossing the road. 25 May 2014 Today saw us packing the vehicle and enjoying an early breakfast before departing on Duncan and Vincent’s last game drive. We made our way down Napi Road, before turning onto the H3 down to Quagga Pan. Again it was a quite morning with only a very quick sighting of two male lions close to Shithave Dam. After reaching Quagga Pan, we turned around and made our way to the gate of the Kruger National Park for the return journey to Johannesburg. Upon returning to Johannesburg, Duncan and Vincent were dropped off at Sunrock Guesthouse. Feedback from the clients were that they enjoyed there safari, and would be returning with the girlfriends and family in the future. More coming soon!!
Posted on: Mon, 26 May 2014 13:04:37 +0000

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