On Saturday Rex began presenting with what his therapists - TopicsExpress


On Saturday Rex began presenting with what his therapists diagnosed as Nystagmus, the condition where the eyes continually dart around like youre on a merry go round, trying to focus on a moving target. He also couldnt stand up and was doing some very strange things when we picked him up - moving his head around to very odd positions. It was like he had vertigo and couldnt figure out how to place his feet or his head. They suggested it might be a side effect of the Flagyl he was taking, so we stopped giving him the Flagyl and waited to see if he would get better. He stopped eating and drinking so I was able to get some water in him and we hand-fed him some boiled chicken which he actually ate a lot of. But he didnt get better so I took him to the vet. At the vet they put him on IV fluids and ordered tests for everything under the sun. Were still waiting for the results of a number of those tests to come back. Yesterday I went to visit him, and they brought him out to an exam room where I stayed with him for 2 hours. I fed him some wet food, and he went to sleep in my lap. He was better yesterday than he was over the weekend. Some of the symptoms he was displaying are gone, and he is more alert and he could sit up in a sternal position which he was not able to do before. His eyes were still darting around though, so hes still not all the way there yet. I should have more info today. And yes, they are checking to see if its vestibular disease.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 17:00:01 +0000

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