On September 1/1939 a telegram was sent from the French Ambassador - TopicsExpress


On September 1/1939 a telegram was sent from the French Ambassador from Poland (it capital city Warsaw) on the development of the military activity. It stated in very short terms the following. “No. 322 , M. LÉON NÖEL, French Ambassador in Warsaw, to M. GEORGES BONNET, Minister for Foreign Affairs. Warsaw, September 1, 1939. (Received by telephone at 8 70 a.m.) THE Polish Army Headquarters report that German troops debouching from Danzig, crossed the Eastern frontier of the Corridor this morning from 4 oclock onwards, in particular near Kartuzy and Gardeja. German aeroplanes have attacked the Polish town of Tczew to the south of Danzig. Aggression by German armed bands and also flights of aircraft have also been reported at various points of the Silesian frontier.LÉON NÖEL.” In August the political temperature in Nazi Germany was changing and compared to their conciliatory attitudes in July. One of the reports indicated the following. “ No. 180, M. DE SAINT-HARDOUIN, French Chargé dAffaires in Berlin, to M. GEORGES BONNET, Minister for Foreign Affairs. Berlin, August 3, 1939. IN the course of the last week a very definite change in the political atmosphere has been observed in Berlin. Whereas after the middle of July there appeared to be a certain détente, towards the end of the month there were signs of a fresh stiffening of attitude. The period of embarrassment, hesitation, inclination to temporization or even to appeasement which had been observable among the Nazi leaders, has been succeeded by a new phase: today the actions of the leaders of the Third Reich and the language of their Press reveal two dominating purposes: To convince the German people that it is threatened, as in 1914, and that its very existence is imperiled. To convince public opinion at home and abroad that the Third Reich is invincible and that neither threats nor any human power can arrest it in the pursuit of its vital interests. Nothing is neglected which may give the German people such confidence in its own might as to allow it to await the future with calmness, to resist attacks of all kinds and to break through any obstacles which may impede its path. I will try to show elsewhere how this propaganda is conducted. It is not without interest to ask oneself what motives have inspired it. It is probable that the rulers of the Reich are endeavouring to allay the fears which spread through the population when military preparations are, as at the present moment, greatly intensified. On every side I am informed of what amounts to a recrudescence of the war psychosis which had manifested itself last September. The anxiety to allay the general alarm is particularly shown by the persistence of the efforts to convince the people that there is no danger of air-raids. On the other hand, at a time when the German military preparations are being intensified and accelerated, when clashes between the Poles and the members of the German minority seem to multiply, when polemics regarding Danzig are being resumed, the Nazi leaders are doubtless anxious to impress foreign opinion with the conviction that Germany is now once again prepared to go to any lengths, if necessary, in order to obtain satisfaction and show that the Reich would not give way, even if faced by the coalition the crowning-piece of which would be a Franco-Anglo-Russian agreement.” Hitler’s invasion of Poland was not an accidental affair or stimulated by unforeseen circumstances. Too many evidences indicate that Hitler, if not some of his top Military Officials, was calculating the odds of his moves although he had already understood that Britain and France will not be bold enough to go to war against him when he invades Poland. “British journalists then considered invasion of Poland a “gamble” Was it really a gamble? Didn’t Hitler had all the preparations made? For instand BBC reported as follows, “Hitlers generals urged caution and asked for more time to complete the defenses of the West Wall, in order to stem any British and French counter-offensive in the west while the bulk of the Wehrmacht was engaged in the east. Their leader dismissed their concerns, however, and demanded instead their total loyalty.” However, the journalists were on the right track when they evaluated the situation as follows. “Hitler was confident that the invasion of Poland would result in a short, victorious war for two important reasons. First, he was convinced that the deployment of the worlds first armoured corps would swiftly defeat the Polish armed forces in a blitzkrieg offensive. Secondly, he judged the British and French prime-ministers, Neville Chamberlain and Edouard Daladier, to be weak, indecisive leaders who would opt for a peace settlement rather than war.” [bbc.co.uk/history/worldwars/wwtwo/invasion_poland_01.sht]. ANGLO-GERMAN FRIENDSHIP AND NKAVD/GRU SECRET AGENT This was a counter propaganda work which directly reveals the allegations of the “Anglo-German Fellowship” (one of the pro-Nazi organizations established after the Prince of Wells gave a remark on the relationship between Britain and Nazi Germany. It was first organized by Conservative wing of the House of Commons). The propaganda magazine of this group was being edited by Kim Philby. He was telling the British public that, “British newspapers are misguiding the public”. It is great wonder that the father of Kim Philby St. John Philby, after joining one of the factions of the British Fascists, the peoples progress Party was advocating in favor of Hitler. I would like to present a brief account of these two individuals. I believe that they could serve to portray the then general picture of the social behavior of the upper and middle class members of the British class based stratification of the society. The AGF was propagating “Chamberlain’s peace appeasement” largely out of the ruling class interest than the interest of the nation and people. Kim Philby and St. John Philby are son and father. Both had deep rooted hatred of their class privileged life which might partly had to do with their incompetence in certain aspects of the socio-political life. It is also possible to look at their ability to fit into the structured socio-economic system of the ruling class. It is also possible to understand it as if they were outsiders of the core group since both lived in Asia and other regions of the world with no long term life experiences with the actual society of the English that ran the country at it deem fit to its interests having London especially separated from the rest of the territory. The Anglo-German Fellowship was reportedly dissolved in 1939 after the war was declared. A report from London on August 15/1939 had the following information. “Convell Evans, secretary of the Fellowship, disclosed that the organization has been without a chairman since the late Lord Mount Temple resigned last November as a protest against the German Government’s treatment of the Jews. He said that 40 members resigned in sympathy with Mount Temple’s action and that the total membership had fallen from 800 to 700.” “Mr. Evans said the Fellowship was not holding meetings and would not elect a chairman until circumstances were more favorable. “It must not be supposed,” he declared.” that the Fellowship approves of events in Germany which so disturbed British public opinion.” He assured that the organization would not lend itself to Nazi propaganda.” “Other Anglo German organizations that have suspended activities, according to Mr. Evans, include the Youth Organization, the Anglo German Circle, the Anglo German Academic Bureau and the Anglo German Kameradaschft.” [“Anglo German Groups Suspend Activities in England; Sharp Drop Noted in Fellowship’s Roster”, August 15/1939, jta.org/1939/08/15/archive/ anglo-german-groups-suspend-activities-in-england-sharp-drop-noted-in-fellowships-roster#ixzz3EikPG5Wu]. Despite this information there were members of this AGF who attempted to strike a peace talk, in covert, with certain members of Nazi Germany. This is according to official explanations was unknown by N. Chamberlain. But, his letter to his sister indirectly indicated that he had secret information about the attempt being made involving MI6 members and a German Nazi official. The father, under consideration was Harry St. John Bridger alias St. John Philby born in Ceylon in 1885. His father was a tea planter. He was a captain at Westminster. He attended Trinity College, Cambridge University. At Cambridge he joined the Faculty of Oriental Language where Wilfred Scawen Blunt and Edward G. Browen were the then specialists in ISLAMIC AND CULT. These two Cambridge University leading members of the Oriental School trained and recruited future British agents. a) HARRY St. JOHN B. PHIBY: was a protégé of Wilfred Scawen Blunt. He became a master in URDU, PERSIAN, ARABIC, BALUCHI, PUSTU, AND PUNJABI. He was trained to serve as a British intelligence officer especially in Wahhabi movement of what now we know as Saudi Arabia. b) JAMAL UD AL AFGHANI: He was an Iranian (Persian in origin although there too many confusing information about his life history). He was born sometime around 1838 and died in 1897. He was a protégé of Edward G. Brown. Al Afghani served the British fro 40 years. Arab Islamic scholars present quite a lot of different and sometimes contradictory information about this man. It is expected so because he was a secret service agent who after about 40 years started to desert his masters while he was in Cairo Egypt and was expelled by a greedy banking family member Baring or Lord Cromer. My focus of attention is to deal with St. John Philby. He served in India and during WW I was assigned to Baghdad (Iraq) where he pursued two illusive German military intelligence agents. One of them was killed by St. John Philby in Baghdad. The other Wassmuss who organized a number of guerrilla forces to sabotage “British line of communications” and oil fields. He escaped when he found himself cordoned. But, he left behind a German military intelligence book of code 13040. This book became exceptionally valuable in 1917 related to what is commonly known as the “Zimmerman telegram”. St. John Philby is said to have been head of British intelligence in the British mandate of Palestine. Later he was assigned to serve as the adviser of King Ibn Saud of the Arabian Peninsula with an official capacity up to 1925 the year he fell out favor from the British central office (FO and intelligence department). St. John Philby, similar to his mentor and his numerous contemporaries who were assigned in the Middle-East, went against his own nation – Britain. In 1939, St. John Philby, who aspired to get a seat in the British House of Commons, attempted to join the Labor Party. He was rejected. He then joined the British people’s Party (BPP). BPP was established in 1939 as a splinter group from the British Union of Fascists which in turn was a splinter of the original British Fascsiti/Fascists of 1923. These fascist organizations were “dominated by peerage and high-ranking officers of the British”, aristocrats, landlords, bankers, businessmen, MPs, and also from the middle and young men from the working class. Their objectives vary from group to group as their structural organizations did. a) One common demand was “return to the gold standard” which was opposed by those committed to representative democracy. b) Anti-trade union legislation. c) No government intervention in business (hence they wanted business as usual which took more or less the tactics and strategies of the mafia and it has a sort of clandestine link with the contraband activities with people in Canada). d) “Opposition to high level of estate taxation and death dues”. e) Opposition to “decline of large landowning agricultural sector.” f) Opposition to absence of high-ranking civilian occupation suitable for the status of officers. And others. Almost all fascist groups were said to have been against communism or leftist politics. St. John Philby’s BPP was said to have stressed on “Peace with Bermany by agreement.” This political line was not different from the “appeasement policy” of N. Chamberlain since 1933. By 1939, it was as clear as crystal that A. Hitler was not interested in bringing about peace in Europe or other parts of the World (See French diplomatic telegrams included in this part). St. John Philby during his election campaign in 1939, which was by then late, was agitating to anyone who listens to his: a) to rsist the baldishment of Mr. W. Churchill.” (b) was telling people that, “I am perfectly convinced that mr. Hitler does not want war and anyone who tells you that he does is a liar.” It is curious that he was agitating people in this manner. Was the British public pushing for war? Was it Churchill who was agitating the public to go to war against Germany? To war N. Chamberlain against his “appeasement policy” and to want to go to war are two different things. Churchill was arguing not to be trust Hitler, although I have no idea whether Churchill had any information about how Hitler was created and by whom. St. John Philby’s son Kim Philby was born on January 1/1912 in India. His full name was Harold Adrian Russell Philby. Kim is his nickname. He studied in Westminster and joined Trinity College, Cambridge in 1929. It is not surprising that he was made to follow the same path as his father. His major subject was history and minor Economics. Kin Philby was employed as the editor of the Anglo-German fellowship (AGF) propaganda magazine as a cover. It must not be forgotten that he was a devoted communist and spy of the Soviets. From 1936 to 1939 both father and son were doing similar things although they had not agreed to do so. They were in different places and had different fields to pursue. Their differences were in their personal conviction. Although both of them were working against Britain, St. John Philby was working with no conviction of being a communist different from his son. Kim was doing what he was doing not out of conviction but to use the AGF and his journalism in Spain as a cover for his long term deep cover to penetrate the British secret service. St. John Philby was a member of a British Fascist group and was a supporter of A. Hitler, but his son was not a supporter of Hitler. He was serving as the editor of the AGF magazine with no true feeling and conviction although he attempted to demonstrate a false devotion for his work. Kim used to write in the AGF magazine that “the British press was misleading the public over the policies of both the British and German governments.” He used to quote selected extracts for his propaganda purpose. It is not new that communists are experts in such sort of propaganda purpose since the time of Lenin and Trotsky. Father and son, hence, were propagating similar ideas using different arenas and different wordings. There are no symptoms or information which indicates that St. John Philby as a communist or a communist sympathizer. He was a Wahhabi Muslim different from Kim whose religion is unknown and there is no idea whether he used to go to church or not. It is clear that he was not a Catholic within the protestant dominated ruling class of Britain. Kim, different from his father, was a devoted communist and secret agent of the Soviets (NKDV). His recruitment as a Soviet agent according to his statements “was in 1933 in Vienna”. He was believed to be recruited by or through the catalytic activity of his friend later wife L. Friedman (a Jew Communist). Other sources indicate that he was recruited in 1935 by a Russian NKVD field operator named ARNOLD DEUTSCH. This same man is reportedly said to have recruited Guy Burgess although there are sources that indicate that Guy Burgess was recruited din Moscow during his long term vacation trip to Moscow when he was a fourth year student of Cambridge University. He was accompanied by a communist from Oxford (Derek Blaikie). Both Kim and Burgess, as was true to communists recruits of the USA, were advised to distance themselves from: a) Communist cells and party. b) Active participation in any sort of communist led activity either meetings or other sot of agitation activities. c) From buying or reading or distributing any sort of leftist literature. They were also advised and instructed to cultivate a superficial behavior which makes them to appear true supporters of communism. For instance, both of them joined the AGF and Kim went to Spain as a journalist covering the Fascist troops of General Franco. Both father and son were decorated odd medals by odd personalities under odd situations. St. John Philby who visited Moscow in 1960 as a guest of the Royal geographical society, somehow was decorated by N. Khrushchev. I have no idea how this decoration was made and why. It was apparently contrary to the ruling class of the British who were anti-communism. I found no source which raises this special case as if it had no significance. He was decorated in 1960 at a time in which the Soviets stated a secret confrontation with the Americans because of the Cuba missile affair. By this time Kim was in Beirut with an official explanation of being employed as a journalist by two print media of Britain. He was there from 1956 until his defection to Russia. He was under suspicion after Maclean and Burguess defected to Russia in on May 25/1951. When the Russians decorated Kim’s father they were not expected to be unaware of the relationship between Kim and St. John. Did St. John have any idea of his son’s secret role? There is no inkling about this issue. But, we know that during his visit to Moscow in 1960 both Maclean and Burguess were in Moscow. Did they meet and have some chat with him. Still I found no information dealing with this affair. But, it wouldn’t be hidden from the two defectors about the trip of St. John and his being decorated. On the other hand the father could not be unaware of the status of his son who was “officially said to be out of SIS” and was working as a journalist in Beirut. St. John Philby died on September 29/1960 in Beirut. He died having his son beside him. Both father and son, who were spies, had a last minute reunion no matter whether they had a good time or not. Kim Philby was decorated the red cross of Military Merit on March 2/1937 by the Fascist leader General Franco. Je and three others were decorated for their part in covering the military operation of the Fascists and the incident that happened around a small village of Teruel. At that particular time Franco’s troops were counterattacking the nationalists in a garrison which was besieged for two weeks. While the journalists and Spanish Press Officers were at a certain distance outside the village shelling from the enemy took place unexpectedly. The four journalists including Kim were in their convoy car talking. The Spanish Press Officers were some meters away around a fire. There followed a big explosion that knocked out the Press Officers. When they regained consciousness they saw that the car where the journalists were sitting caught fire. They ran and attempted to take out the journalists. What they found was shocking. Of the four Brandish Johnson (an American Journalist) was killed instantly. Dick Sheepshanks of Reuters was badly wounded in the head and was unconscious. He died the same evening without regaining consciousness. Ed Neil (an American Journalist) had his leg broken in two places and was riddled with shrapnel. He died two days later from gangrene. That incidence stunned Kim, but he was not dead. He had a cut on his forehead and wrist. That shell which was fired at that particular car was Russian 12.40cm artillery (then they used to call it “a quarter to one”). On December 31/1936, just on the eve of Kim’s birthday Kim miraculously was saved from the shell of his masters the Russians who were fighting against General Franco’s forces in support of the assorted forces of the Republicans. St. John Philby died just a year before his son was uncovered as a Soviet spy by Anatoli Golitsyn (a KGB defector in 1961). Other sources indicate that Col. Michael Goloeniewski (a Polish intelligence officer) as a possible cause whereas others mention the VENONA FILES as the last confirming evidences to uncover him as a Russian spy.[“Philby”, nona-people, Friday, April 22/2011; Daily Mail Reporter, “Was Kim Philby Offered Escape to Moscow by MI6 Agent? New Letter”, March 1/2011, 22:08GNT; Phillip Knightly, “Turning the Philby Case On Its Head”, A review, April 26/2007; “The truth about the Cambridge Spies”, Sunday, May 11/2003; Bruce Page et.al. 1968 “The Philby Conspiracy” this is a most valuable source and had too many facts although there are a few points that need review with new information revealed about two decades after the book was published. I hope Phillip Knightly had this fact and is posting a number of articles related to the Cambridge Spies].
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 16:32:13 +0000

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