On September 11, 2001, the United States experienced the worst - TopicsExpress


On September 11, 2001, the United States experienced the worst attack on the homeland since the attack on Pearl Harbor. On this day, 2,996 souls were taken from us and over 6,000 more were injured by a group of individuals bent on destroying the very spirit of a freedom loving society called America. They did not succeed. Since this horrific attack, over 6,757 brave men and woman in uniform were killed and another 25,000 plus were injured protecting the freedoms that we, as Americans have come to expect and cherish. These numbers do not include the of thousands of other first responders suffering from the cancerous affects of the dust they have incurred while working at the World Trade Center Site trying to recover the deceased and injured. Nor do they reflect the invisible mental damage known as PTSD that tens of thousands of our brave men and women will have to live and deal with every single day for the rest of their natural lives. Today, twelve years after the attack, our brave first responders and the men and women that wear the uniform of our nation still stand between us and the evil that continues to try to engulf and take away the freedoms that we enjoy. So, I say to everyone that is reading this post, take time to walk past a fire house or a police station and stop in and thank them for what they do. If you see a man or a woman on the street wearing the uniform of our armed forces, stop and thank them for what they do. And each and every day, not just annually on September 11th, give thanks and say a little prayer for all the brave men and woman, whether first responders or our brave soldiers in uniform for helping us to be able to make those stops freely to thank them each day.
Posted on: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 13:41:46 +0000

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