On Shankaracharya and Buddha - Prabhu Ji Both Adi - TopicsExpress


On Shankaracharya and Buddha - Prabhu Ji Both Adi Shankaracharya and Buddha are great Spiritual Masters. Another great Master Swami Vivekananda speaks of these two in the following words. Swami Vivekananda on Buddha and Shankara “Bud­dha brought the Vedanta to light, gave it to the peo­ple, and saved India. A thou­sand years after his death, Shankaracharya arose and once more revived the Vedanta phi­los­o­phy. He made it a ratio­nal­is­tic phi­los­o­phy. In the Upan­ishads the argu­ments are often very obscure. By Bud­dha the moral side of the phi­los­o­phy was laid stress upon, and by Shankaracharya, the intel­lec­tual side. He worked out, ratio­nalised, and placed before men the won­der­ful coher­ent sys­tem of Advaita. In Bud­dha we had the great, uni­ver­sal heart and uni­ver­sal patience, mak­ing reli­gion prac­ti­cal and bring­ing it to everyone’s door. In Shankaracharya we saw tremen­dous intel­lec­tual power, throw­ing the scorch­ing light of rea­son upon every­thing. We want today that bright sun of intel­lec­tu­al­ity joined with the heart of Bud­dha, the won­der­ful infi­nite heart of love and mercy. This union will give us the high­est phi­los­o­phy. Sci­ence and reli­gion will meet and shake hands. Poetry and phi­los­o­phy will become friends. This will be the reli­gion of the future, and if we can work it out, we may be sure that it will be for all times and people. Bud­dha was a great Vedan­tist (for Bud­dhism was really only an off­shoot of Vedanta), and Shankara is often called a “hid­den Bud­dhist.” Bud­dha made the analy­sis, Shankara made the syn­the­sis out of it. Bud­dha never bowed down to anything—neither Veda, nor caste, nor priest, nor cus­tom. He fear­lessly rea­soned so far as rea­son could take him. Such a fear­less search for truth and such love for every liv­ing thing the world has never seen. Bud­dha was the Wash­ing­ton of the reli­gious world; he con­quered a throne only to give it to the world, as Wash­ing­ton did to the Amer­i­can peo­ple. He sought noth­ing for himself.” Many people are under wrong impression that Shri Shankaracharya was opposed to Buddha. On the contrary, Buddhism went into decline due to misinterpretations of teachings of Buddha and the genius of Shri Shankara upheld the true principles destroying all dogma and misunderstandings. Buddha is often called an atheist. He never answered any questions about God. Instead he urged people to seek the Truth – realize the Truth directly. Shri Shankara upheld the path of Jnana – enquiry into the nature of the phenomenal world and nature of Self. He declared that phenomenal world is Maya and only Reality is Self. Let us bow down and respect Shri Shankara and Buddha who have shown us the path of liberation, enlightenment and become free (moksha)
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 22:57:30 +0000

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