On Siddhartha Izarras 4 month birth anniversary I want to thank - TopicsExpress


On Siddhartha Izarras 4 month birth anniversary I want to thank you all who have allowed him into your hearts...Your connection to him grounds the experience and the energy of his presence for us but also for him to all of us here. I think he wants that. I believe he sees and feels through us here on earth and the more people enjoy him and connect to him the more sensors he has to touch the human love we have on earth which is such a treasure. He reaches through the veils to touch me still and to receive my presence and love. He come to me in animal; A baby bird trust to my care; a fawn standing in the middle of the road in a ray of sunlight coming through the trees over head to bath just him in sparkling light; a coyote who stands before me and looks at me for a time before journeying on... This physical realm is so filled with the wonder and the pain of it all. Some days the pain takes my breath away, not for just a few minutes as Ive experienced in my past but for a few hour and sometimes days. And yet I live and love on. Even when the tears and the inner pain does come I still see magic and wonder around me. The two can and do coexist. And being ok with that paradox is a great lesson, one of many great lessons Siddha has taught me. These photos from our goodbye photo shoot with Shelby Dickinson show how even in the unbearable grief there was this moment: when the pure wonder at the perfection of this child we created filled me with such joy...
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 17:19:17 +0000

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