On Sunday October 5, 2014 the Citizens of Quardu-Gboni District - TopicsExpress


On Sunday October 5, 2014 the Citizens of Quardu-Gboni District held a mass meeting in Sheriff Yard Doe Community, Bushrod Island Monrovia, Liberia on OUR DISAGREEMENT to the LIBERIA COCOA CORPORATION Concession Contract Agreement signed by the President and other government Executive members on July 8, 2014 in the middle of the Ebola outbreak in Quardu-Gboni District. How the government cans signed a concession agreement in the middle of the Ebola epidemic in Quardu-Gboni District without the concern of the citizens, as we are aware that this district was the most affected district within the Republic of Liberia. The Quardu-Gboni district citizens that died from Ebola in the district are Two Hundred Three (203) persons or above; why we stay mooning for the lost of our relative from Ebola in the district. The House of Senate endorsing concession agreement submitted by the president without any little respect to our lost one and permanence citizens within the district. The government have showing the people of Quardu-Gboni that despite the major lost of lives by Ebola in the district she (government) don’t care. CITIZENS OF QUARDU-GBONI DISTRICT DISAGREED TO THE LCC CONCESSION AGREEMENT IN LOFA COUNTY. Her Excellency Madam Ellen Johnson Sirleaf President Republic of Liberia OPEN LETTER: Dear Madam President: This is an open communication to your good offices as President of the Republic of Liberia from the office of the Executive Director of the Concern Care for Children and Women Foundation, Inc. a true Son’s of Barkedu, Quardu-Gboni District. Madam President, I am kindly requesting that before signing any Concession Agreement(s); please set-up an investigative team to authenticate the fact beyond all those that comes under the pretends as investor(s) without financial capital to invest rather than signing an investment Contact agreement with government for onward transmission to the third party’s on his/her now behaved. The reasons to authenticate on concession agreement is base on the past the 68 concession agreements signed by government only two (2) have been consider as good agreement by the citizens of the Republic of Liberia. Which, I considered in my mind as meltage to the third party, because he or she cannot invest without bringing in the third party. Madam President, Mr. Momolu Tolbert is very unpopular with the people of Quardu-Gboni district due to his arrogances and disrespect to our cultural and traditional value; which is a very serious matter (problem). This LCC agreement in Quardu-Gboni District without the concern and agreement of our citizens will cause a major problem if not ratified along with the people whom heritages are been taking away by the government of Liberia by means of force and disrespect. The only means of surviving within the Quardu-Gboni District is farming and if 6,000 hectares given under the name of investment to Mr. Momolu Tolbert who have failed the people of Sasanor Town within the same district, the Liberia Cocoa Corporation (LCC) is operating under a contract signed for just 60 hectares of land which he make a commitments to build the following listed below:: 1. School building 2. Hospital 3. Clinic 4. Farm to market road from Sasanor to Karmadu Towns 5. Hand pongs for the community people of Sasanor Madam President, listed above were all promises by Mr. Momolu Tolbert in his first LCC Contract agreement with a single town (Sasanor) within the Quardu-Gboni District. Mr. Tolbert could not live by that Contract Agreement. Can the people of the Quardu-Gboni District trust this individual so-called investment in the district, when he failed to live by the Contact Agreement Signed between him (LCC) and the citizens of Sasanor Town. Before he could even start investing in the district Mr. Momolu Tolbert took loan from Afriland Bank and meltage the contract agreement documents before receiving US$ 50.000 United States dollars to start the LCC plantation operations in Sasanor town, Quardu-Gboni District. For Godsake madam Sirleaf, please let us manage our heritages as farmer not to give out all the forests to people that cannot control and manage small contract agreement in the areas of 60 hectares rather than 6,000 hectares of land, it is only farming the people of Quardu-Gboni District living by, if you consider this agreement it will not be in the interest of our children future as the next generation to come. The Concern Care for Children and Women Foundation, Inc. is calling on Mandam President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf to not allow this SO CALLED Concession Agreement signed for 40 years, when this man had failed just a single agreement. Where will our citizens make their farms? We the citizens say BIG NO to this agreement signed without any notice to the people of Quardu-Gboni District and the County Lofa at large. Madam Sirleaf, please you need to have some consideration and revoke this LCC agreement between your government and Mr. Momolu Tolbert. This man (Tolbert) has said to our fathers and mothers, “that I am a Congo-man and I will do anything base on my connection with the government, we have been president in this Country. And the first top government’s employment given to madam President in Liberia was under the Tolbert lead government so she has to pay back in gratitude to the Tolbert family. As investigator in my view, I am dissatisfied with the National Investment Commission for signing a Concession Agreement with the Chief Executive Officer of LCC, Mr. Momolu Tolbert under a dark clear as investor or investment for the people of Quardu-Gboni District and Lofa County at large. The Concern Care for Children and Women Foundation, Inc. (CAFOCWOF, INC.) had been investigating the activities of Mr. Momolu Tolbert since has contact with the people of Sasanor town. Mr. Momolu Tolbert is always in habits of bad mouthing the good repetition of our former Hon. Mariamu Jalabeh of District #4 of Lofa County and other officials within the district. “He said, the former lawmaker was always requesting funds for what reasons best known to him. But we believe that this entire allegation by Mr. Tolbert was to not live by the Contract Agreement Signed between the citizens of Sasanor and LCC. The next thing I notice about Mr. Momolu Tolbert is as soon as you get to understand his attitude and behavior Mr. Tolbert will NO more want to work with you and he will start false accusation against you. During my independent investigation on Mr. Momolu Tolbert he is not a person TRUSTED TO WORK WITH, he also disrespect the local authority of Quardu-Gboni District that lead to the illegal remover or suspension of our former Commissioner the late Hon. Mamadee M. Kamara by Superintendent Garlakpah Katinman. Under the law, the Superintendent cannot removed or suspend a District Commissioner without recommendation to the Minister of Internal Affairs and onward transmission to the President of the Republic of Liberia. This act was done due to the rejection of the Sasanor Contract Agreement by the former Commissioner the late Mamadee Kamara by then. Mr. Tolbert came with some South African Investors who came with materials over 1.5 million United States dollars into LCC 60 hectares of Land in Sasanor Town, Quardu-Gboni District, where they have over 150 employees but due to his disrespect for human rights and people in general. The South African investors removed all equipments back to South Africa. He has been around looking for investor(s) to continue the LCC business in Quardu-Gboni District, Lofa County. Since the returned of the South African investors Mr. Tolbert has not been able to pay our citizens who had worked for some time now without paid. Madam President is it that the government is now in a (Sell-Paid Business). I may stand to be corrected but Mr. Tolbert done have the amount of (US$12 million) mentions in the contract agreement with the government of Liberia. Mr. Tolbert can’t manage 60 hectares of LCC contract signed with the community rather than signing a Concession Contract Agreement with government that cover 6,000 hectares of land and valid for 40 years; when he has not spent five years to manage 60 hectares. The Executive Director Mr. Mohammed M. Kelleh of the Concern Care for Children and Women Foundation, Inc. a permanence citizen’s of Quardu-Gboni District is calling on the Plenary of the House of Representatives and the relevant Committees to NOT RECTIFY the Liberia Cocoa Corporation (LCC) Concession Agreement Signed by the president and submitted to the Legislature for Ratification. I am also calling on the Plenary of the House of Representatives to invite the head of the National investment commission who signed US$ 12 million contract with someone who have not pay his worker for the sometime now in Sasanor 60 hectares of land contract agreement within the same district. The most disappointing part of the Concession Agreement signed between the Government of Liberia and LCC is NO particular location in Quardu-Gboni District SPELL-OUT for the 6,000 hectares of land and it is valid for 40 years; how can the government do shall a thing to the people of the district concern. This is our heritage from our forefathers over 100 years. Our forefathers fight and share blood on this land. Let there be a little respect for us as citizens that also has rights for our heritage. Madam President, we equally understand that every land belongs to government of the Republic of Liberia; but the government is by the people and for the people how can governments signed an agreement of 6,000 hectares of land in Quardu-Gboni for 40 years without any references to the Citizen’s and No particular location indicated in the contact agreement within the District. Madam Sirleaf, this is a great shamed on the part of the National Investment Commission. I believed Madam President, not carefully reading the agreement, you had also said “No export tax on Cocoa beans and cocoa by –product, but export of products other than cocoa beans and cocoa by-products shall be subjected to taxes and duties to the extent provided by law. “The LCC is expected to invest no less than 12 million in the project during the first 10 years of the agreement. The president submitted the Concession Contract Agreement to the following committee on Investment and Concession, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and Judiciary to review and advice within two weeks, base on the request by the president to the committee, we are requesting to the following committee’s to please REJECT this LCC Contract Agreement on the following reasons: 1. The 6, 000 hectares of land indicated in the Contact Agreement, there is NO particular location mentions in the document. 2. Mr. Momolu Tolbert is not an honest man to work with due to his failed to live by the first Contract Agreement signed in a single Town within the district 3. Mr. Tolbert failed to provide the following in the contract agreement as listed below: a. School b. Hospital c. Clinic d. Road e. Scholarship f. Hand pong g. And every year a percentage amount were to be giving to the community base on these reasons we are requesting to the Plenary of the House of Representatives and the committee set-up by the president to reject this So-Called investment by Mr. Momolu Tolbert of 6,000 hectares of land in Quardu-Gboni District for 40 years when he can’t manage 60 hectares of land contact signed between he (LCC) and resident of sasanor in part of the district. But the house of Senate has Endorses US$11 Million Cocoa Agreement. We are now calling on the House of Representative Not to endorse this concession agreement signed between the government and the LCC. Madam President this is what Mr. Tolbert does or wants to do, he going to use this Concession Agreement to find investors and manage the Liberia Cocoa Corporation (LCC). The committee set-up by the president, The Chief Executive of the Concern Care for Children and Women Foundation, Inc. is requesting that you please invite Mr. Tolbert and ask him on, how he going the managed the 6,000 hectares of land? Why he had not been able to pay his workers salaries in sasanor town for some time now? Is it that he is going again to find investor(s) out of Liberia base on the concession agreement between him (LCC) and government and later throw the investor out of his or her investment and Liberia carried the bad image again?, as he did in the case of the South African investors. This statement was very discouraging “Speaking Tuesday at the signing ceremony, the chairman of the National Investment Commission (NIC) Mr. Michael S. Wotorson said the government is excited to see a one hundred percent Liberian-owned Company engaged in such investment. Mr. Wotorson disclosed that all of the US 16 billion investments Liberia has received are owned by foreigners. He said government has been working assiduously to afford Liberian owned companies the opportunity to invest in their country The NIC Boss said the investment by LCC is an important turning point in the history of Liberia. He called on others to take advantage of the investment climate” The National Investment Commission head Mr. Wotorson, I may stand to be corrected but I done believed that NIC can do any background beyond any so –called investor(s) before signing agreement and this should be one of the requirement of the NIC; then signing contract agreement that end with loses on government such as Buchanan Renewable Energy and etc. How can you drop import duties on someone you done even no better? In my view before making such statements do a background check to truly know the individual you dealing with but the National Investment Commission boss didn’t. Mr. Momolu Tolbert, have not created jobs opportunity for our citizens but to create more and more poverty on our people. Over 100 citizens have been working for LCC after dropping most of the workers due to leadership struggles between the major LCC South African investor in the LCC Plantation in Quardu-Gboni district due to the lack of good management within the 60 hectares contract agreement in Sasanor Town. This was due to his failure to manage LCC employee’s salaries for some period of time and this has cause more poverty increasing on our citizens in the district. WE THE PEOPLE OF QUARDU-GBONI DISTRICT DON’T WANT THIS CONCESSION AGREEMENT IN OUR DISTRICT. OUR CITIZENS HAVE WORKED WITH MR. MOMOLU TOLBERT FOR SOMETIME NOW SO YOU NO HIM AND HE DONE HAVE THE ABILITY TO MANAGE THIS CONCESSION AGREEMENT. WE SAY BIG NO TO THIS CONCESSION AGREEMENT WITH LIBERIA COCOA CORPORATION IN THE DISTRICT. Thanks Respectfully Submit Mr. Mohammed J. Kelleh Founder/Executive Director Concern Care for Children and Women Foundation, Inc. New Voinjama beyond USAID/AYP office Lofa County
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 08:14:56 +0000

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