On Sunday, Pope Francis will beatify Pope Paul VI. I have a soft - TopicsExpress


On Sunday, Pope Francis will beatify Pope Paul VI. I have a soft spot for him because Paul served as pope for almost all my childhood, more precisely, from 1963 through 1978. Sometimes when I say Mass I have to stop myself from saying, Paul, our Pope, in the Eucharistic Prayer, because those are the words I heard over and over when I was younger. Here is a brief video from Salt & Light, introducing the soon-to-be Blessed Paul VI to you. Also, here is an article by David Gibson of RNS on his four most enduring legacies: religionnews/2014/10/16/pope-paul-vi-almost-saint-4-biggest-legacies/ And a link to perhaps Pope Pauls most famous speech, before the United Nations, when he said, No more war! Never again war! It is peace, peace, which must guide the future of peoples and all of humanity. Jamais plus la guerre, jamais plus la guerre! Cest la paix, la paix, qui doit guider le destin des peuples et de toute lhumanité! vatican.va/holy_father/paul_vi/speeches/1965/documents/hf_p-vi_spe_19651004_united-nations_fr.html His most famous saying, or at least my favorite? If you want peace, work for justice.
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 16:09:58 +0000

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