On Sunday afternoon, I was driving and tuned the AM car radio to a - TopicsExpress


On Sunday afternoon, I was driving and tuned the AM car radio to a Christian right-wing radio station. The two female hosts were telling listeners (including me) that President Obama was a Muslim Terrorist. They said that he had created a terrorist group, in fact, because this president hates America and hates all Christians. He is determined to destroy freedom, destroy our way of life, and to destroy us all. The name of the fictional terrorist group Obama created is Khorasan. Yes, the US-led coalition launched air strikes in Syria against members of ISIS, and against a little-known Al Qaeda group called Khorasan. Yes, Obamas Director of National Intelligence says that this group poses perhaps as great a threat to the United States as ISIS. Yes, our planes hit their training camps, explosives production facility, and communications buildings. Yes, Khorasan is led by a senior Al Qaeda operative who knew Osama bin Ladens 9/11 plans prior to the attacks, and consists of experienced Al Qaeda veterans. Yes, Khorasan has established a safe haven within Syria. And yes, President Obama said that we bombed them because we will not tolerate safe havens for terrorists who threaten our people. Finally, the name Khorasan Group isnt used by the terrorists themselves. Intelligence officials in Washington, D.C. (no, not President Obama) coined the name. They call themselves Al Qaeda, or ISIS, or ISIL, or the al-Nusra Front, but it doesnt matter. They were sent to Syria by Al Qaedas leader Ayman al-Zawahiri, and told to recruit Westerners, construct and test explosive devices, and develop external attacks upon the USA. Confession: I found myself both loving and fearing our 1st Amendment rights to free speech. Certainly, those miserable excuses for human beings (the two radio hosts) were practicing theirs.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 19:55:27 +0000

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