On Thanksgiving, it seems obligatory to think about what we should - TopicsExpress


On Thanksgiving, it seems obligatory to think about what we should be grateful for. I’m grateful to have been married for 29 years to an infinitely patient woman, for two great kids, and for her family, who are reasonable people who work things out and don’t scream at each other. Talk about culture shock! And to Uncle Sam, who employed me for 33 years. As my old friend PG says, “Thank you Uncle Sugar!” For old friends, who have stuck with me. To new friends and colleagues, who have shown great tolerance. I’m grateful for my luck; I’ve often escaped the consequences of my actions. Or maybe I should be grateful for my slipperiness. And persistence. Another old friend, the female PG, would say that I should be grateful for my White Skin Privilege. Saints preserve me, I’m even grateful for the discipline I learned from my father, and the ability to follow orders. Really. I’m grateful to have been born in a time and place where my big mouth doesn’t get me thrown into the Gulag or my religion genocided in the Holocaust, just listened to by NSA. So thank you, Zionist ancestors, who got the hell out of the Ukraine! I’m grateful to live in a time when my medical needs are met by modern medical science, even if they fell down badly in Barbara’s case. (Oops, I’m supposed to be maintaining a resolutely positive tone here…gotta stick by the rules of the game…always a weak area for me…I disliked playing board games as a kid, because I always lost. I didn’t realize until much later that my real luck was expressed in the real world, including being lucky in love. Speaking of which, thank you to all those women who didn’t slit my throat in the middle of the night, no matter how much I deserved it. You know who you are. Which reminds me that I should be grateful that there really isn’t justice in the world. That lack has kept me alive and employed for decades.) And of course, I’m grateful that I have a faithful audience (that’s you) who never throw rotten tomatoes, no matter what I say, no matter how aggravating I am. Thank you.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 17:03:41 +0000

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