On The Black Top: The Wire - Art Imitates Life & The Truth CAN BE - TopicsExpress


On The Black Top: The Wire - Art Imitates Life & The Truth CAN BE Stranger Than Fiction The critically acclaimed series, The Wire, gave many of us a binge treat recently. I had heard about the series, but had never seen it. I was enthralled. The series ended as such: City of Baltimore, Maryland is in a financial crisis because the educational budget was mis-managed to the sum of more than $50Million deficit. As a result, the new mayor, Carcetti, cuts spending in law enforcement to cover the shortfall within the school district. This means the centerpiece of the series major drug investigations efforts, led by the brilliant Freamon, are in jeopardy of being lost. A cop, McNulty decides to fabricate a homeless serial killer in order to get financial resources restored to law enforcement. Freamon is in on the fabrication. McNulty, much later, tells the Sista cop, Kima, about his fabrications. She reports him. Mayor Carcetti, Police Commissioner Daniels, Assistant States Attorney Pearlman on down now knows about the fabrication. Meanwhile, a reporter for The Baltimore Sun, Templeton, is also fabricating stories about the homeless and the deaths. A serious SCANDAL! Now, even though all of this was ILLEGAL, in the end, a major drug dealer, Stanfield, walks; two homeless people were killed by a copycat; the Mayor become Governor of Maryland; Templeton wins a Pulitzer; Daniels becomes a lawyer and Pearlman ( his lover) becomes a judge. Neither Freamon nor MuNulty is FIRED for committing CRIMES! They are both allowed to RETIRE. A celebration is held in their honor at a local bar by fellow brethren. Thats as good of a recap as I can provide. Because the truly entertaining dramas must be believable, I cant help but believe that Art Imitates Life & The Truth Can Be Stranger Than Fiction. For example, the fake stories by Templeton, remember the real reporter Jayson Blair? He plagiarized and fabricated stories while working for The New York Times. You know where Blair attended college? You guessed it, University of Maryland, College Park. In our non-fiction world, in reality, on far too many occasions we have witnessed the judicial and law enforcement system protect, celebrate, tolerate, hell even promote the CRIMINAL COP ELEMENT. I remember helping to calm a powder keg In Seattle, April 2000, when Officer Tommie Doran shot David John Walker, a mentally ill man, as he skipped down a sidewalk waving a knife in Lower Queen Anne (all caught on video). SPD then named the cop who shot Mr. Walker, Officer of The Month knowing the City was bursting at the seams of tension between the police & the Black community! Or today, Mayor of New York speaks at the funeral of two slain officers and police, who are being criticized for acting as if they are ABOVE THE LAW, turn their backs while he is speaking! Yes The Truth Can Be Stranger Than Fiction. For sure, if more cops ACTED as Kima, the Sista cop who held The Brotherhood ACCOUNTABLE, Life could be as Beautiful as Art. m.youtube/watch?v=MT-7LCRpPVQ
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 09:31:37 +0000

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