On The Fence About Vit D ? If you ever had a doubt about a good - TopicsExpress


On The Fence About Vit D ? If you ever had a doubt about a good daily dose of Vitamin D, then you need to take a minute to read this info. This is not a random bunch of non-connected info. This is a bunch of facts that come directly from my very own medical reports. After two years of taking 8,000 IU of Vitamin D3, my blood test results tell the true story of what this regiment can do for a person. Please take the time to read these facts and then see how this may be beneficial to you also. Thanks to Sunshine Sara and my brother, Ray, I started taking 8,000 IU of Vitamin D3, daily. At that time, I had been diagnosed with “pre-diabetic” symptoms ( A1C of ) and also slightly high cholesterol reading of about 202, with a percentage of 3.8. My Vitamin D was 58. Not a bad number to start with. These numbers are what I use as my ‘base’ for comparison to the twice a year readings. I was prescribed and had been taking, for about 2 years, Metformin 500 mg, twice a day and Simvastatin 40 mg, one time nightly. After 6 months, my vitamin D level was at 63. I was expecting more but was not too disappointed since it was mid-winter and I just am not getting the sun exposure that I should. Still, not too bad. My A1C was now 6.8 and my cholesterol reading was 192 with a percentage of 2.9. With these numbers, I was disappointed. I was hoping that they would be a bit lower and I could justify lowering my meds. 12 months from the beginning of my new relationship with Vitamin D, it was time to test again. I had decided that no matter what the numbers were, I was going to drop some of the meds that really make me feel crappy. Especially the statin drug. The new numbers were still just a little better. Not a ton better but not too bad either. Vitamin D reading was now at 68. I stuck by my decision and cut my meds in half. Somewhere along the way, about half way thru to my next scheduled blood work, I cut the statin down to ¼ of the original prescribed amount and maintained the ½ dose of Metformin. So, at 18 months, I was expecting everything to have gone to hell in a handbag. I was prepared to get the chewing out by my doctor. Here’s what came back - first with my favorite – Vitamin D level was now 77. And this is a winter time reading. A1C reading was still 6.8 and cholesterol was down to 180. Even with the drop of meds, my numbers continues to improve with the Vit D level rising. This week I got the latest blood work results back. And it is worthy of a little bit of a recap and a bit more personal info. First – I eat like crap. I go thru times that I decide to get rid of the white junk that I eat and stick to fresh fruits and veggies and I resist the pastries and the chips. Those times are few and far between. I have basically maintained an extra 40 pounds of weight that I know that I can loose. I have many times in the past few years. When, and if, I get rid of this weight and keep it off, I will throw out all of my meds. I do all of this with the consent of my doctor. And thank goodness for this ‘big town’ doctor who has decided he like the ‘small town’ practice and is so up to date and open minded to ‘new’ ideas in supplements. The poor man still shakes his head and says “ya gotta quit trying to kill yourself with the junk you eat”, and at the same time says, “keep doing what you are doing with the meds and supplements; your numbers look great”. As for those numbers - Glucose A1C - 6.5 Cholesterol - 148 percentage 2.6 (with a recommended max of 4.5) Vitamin D - 88 No doubt if I take off a few pounds, these numbers will just improve. I am excited with my numbers and the way I feel when not taking much in the way of Simvastatin and Metformin. My goal is to be off them completely and to have a vitamin D level of 90. I expect this to happen within the next year if I change the diet a little and get a bit more outside time. FYI – I take the Kirkland brand of Vitamin D3. This runs about $11 for a bottle of 600 gel caps of 2000 IU each. That is less than $3 per month. With the reduction of meds that I am taking and chopping my pills in half (and fourths) I am saving over $34 per months. Think about that one! Here’s a question for anyone who may have an answer or an idea - Is it possible that taking a statin drug can prevent the absorption of Vitamin D? If it messes with your head and your metabolism, could it be blocking the positive effects of some nutrients and supplements? The statin I have been taking is Simvastatin which, according to most that I read, may not be effecting absorption. I believe it may be.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 17:08:05 +0000

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