On “The Man Who Can’t Be Moved” I like this song from the - TopicsExpress


On “The Man Who Can’t Be Moved” I like this song from the Script. Some mornings I listen to it on my way to work. It makes me look at life in a different perspective. Some hate their jobs but work hard for the money. Others, like the Script band, make love and other emotions their playground. And, they don’t only get paid for their music, they’re also having fun. The song speaks about a broken-hearted man waiting for a girl at a corner of the street where he first saw her. It became a hit song since its release on July 2008. Once again, the popularity of the song shows our penchant for sentimentality, although we hate to admit it. We find it sweet that one man is so in love that he’s willing to endure all the mockeries and pain just to wait for the girl he loves. I once told a girl that the sweetest love songs are the saddest, and the sweetest love stories end in tragedies. Breakups define our relationship histories. Most of the time, there’s someone who leaves and another who tries to hold on and waits. Love isn’t fair, and the one who waits and suffers more has the greater love. Waiting is something I do not like be it in love or anything. It’s something I do out of necessity. As much as possible, I avoid it. If I see a long line at the cinema, I won’t watch the movie, or if more than ten people are lining at Jollibee, I’d look for another place. I’d rather walk for half an hour than wait for fifteen minutes. Waiting is passive wherein you rely on hope or wishful thinking. You recreate memories and get inspired by the idea that someday, just like in the song, she’d wake up and find that she’s missing you. But what if someday she’d wake up and realize that you’re worse, and she wants to go back to you so she could hit your head with your guitar. I’d rather run and hope to find a girl waiting for me. I don’t care about the distance or the time. Looking for her is much better than waiting for someone at a corner of a street. Or, pursuing her is better than wishing she’d come back. But when I think of one girl and all that she is, I could only wish I were the Script vocalist and make her swoon with my songs. On a different note, I wish we could all be like rock stars: work hard, have fun, and get all the lovin’.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 11:39:35 +0000

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