On The Road Again...Da What Ta Heck Tour....Day 137 Sun run and - TopicsExpress


On The Road Again...Da What Ta Heck Tour....Day 137 Sun run and overcast too...temps....mid 50s to low 60s. With Halloween, Thanksgiving and 69 days 2 hours and 27 minutes til Christmas nipping at our heels we were finally forced to bid a sad adieu to Kens mom, his wonderful family and the beautiful mountains of North Carolina and take to the open road again. After a long awaited and much anticipated stop over in VA for Ken to spend some quality time with his two beautiful granddaughters, we will be heading home to good old cold New England. The extensive repairs to our Broken K (kitchen) Ranch have not been completed...well actually because of insurance squabbling they have just gotten started!!!....huh....but we do have a contingency plan in place that would , at least temporarily, save me from having to add Bag Lady to my resume. So it is with equal amounts of trepidation, jubilation, exasperation and excitation, we mount our trusty Bluebird, point her north and with the strains of Doris Day singing Que Sera Sera in my head and Psalm 46:10 (be still and know that I Am God) being whispered in my ear by HE Himself we are...... Homeward Bound. On The Road Again...Da What Ta Heck Tour...Day 137 Addendum....greetings from Virginia. Deciding to do the Virginia run in one day, we jumped on the interstate and put in 9 1/2 hours and 500 miles...oooo my coo! No just kidding. While the passenger seat on the Bluebird may not be a Barcalounger, it is THE most comfortable seat on two wheels and with all the navigating being done by my Rider Man, I had hours to kill so I tried counting 18 wheelers...my goal being to count 1,000 ofem but I sorta dozed off...just a bit... at about 620 and just didnt have the heart to start over so I decided to instead take photos of some very interesting cloud formations. (I like big clouds and I can not lie....um, sorry.) And speaking of clouds, we, at times, rode under some very ominous skies, managing to out run them all with nary a drop of rain on the windshield. We arrived at our destination for the next four nights safe, tired and a bit stiff (old guys, dont ya know) and after a scrumptious repast from Five Guys, gratefully settled in to watch some Patriots football. All in all a great day of riding....even if it was on ...ho-hum...interstates.
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 02:35:46 +0000

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