On The Road Again…Da What Ta Heck Tour…Day 68. Sun - TopicsExpress


On The Road Again…Da What Ta Heck Tour…Day 68. Sun run..temps mid 80’s to start, hi 90’s to finish. Travel day with a couple of Roadys. Greetings from Savannah GA. We left St Augustine, heading out on route A1A. the coast road, for a good part of the day which gave us a good amount of comfortable riding...well as comfortable as one can get in the summer in Florida….which leads me to address a question that many of our friends and relatives have asked us…..Why Florida in the summer????? Now we are well aware that one must be a few sandwiches short of a picnic to ride (not trailer) a motorcycle to Florida in the summer, choosing to ride in full gear (ATG ATT-- all the gear all the time…well ok, one concession...no chaps). However, choosing to ride and not trailer our bike to arrive in Florida in the winter would mean riding thru numerous states locked in Old Man Winter’s icy grip of snow, ice, sand, salt and frigid temps…which in our opinion would be even crayzeee-er! So we decided to do the summer trip, proving once and for all that we were NOT mad as hatters but that we were definitely a little loopy! See? Now, where was I?...oh yes…to get from Theya to Heeya, we rode beach roads, city roads, highways, byways, bridges and even took a ferry and along the way picked up a couple of fun Roadside Americas: the first being, Castle Otttis in St. Augustine. This is a real castle built by Rusty Ickes and Ottis Sadler. It was originally built without a permit, but once the castle topped the tree line, a permit was given for a garage structure, so this castle is really designated as a garage. The interior has been finished with custom woodwork in the style of a 10th century Irish church. There was so much curiosity about the castle that Mr. Ickes opened it up one Sunday a month for tours and regularly rented it out for weddings. But the neighbors, who didnt like all the cars on the road, complained to the zoning board, who cited Ickes with zoning violations. Further, it was found that the castles electrical system was never inspected. All of this led Ickes to permanently close Castle Otttis to the public...booo…hisss…. so we just drove by and snapped a photo on the fly! Next it was on to South Newport and THE smallest church in America. I know, I know, the last one we went to was supposed to be the smallest but this one really was teeny weeny. The chapel is 10 ft. x 15 ft., with pews for twelve people, and a compact pulpit for a minister. Grace Agnes Harper built it in 1949 and wrote the deed in the name of Jesus! Our last pick of the day was yet another giant cow,this time,out front of Keller’s Flea Market but this one was wearing jewelry and a hat! Tomorrow….trolley tour of downtown Savannah.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 02:04:50 +0000

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