On Thursday I was rear ended by a lady who was uninsured , I was - TopicsExpress


On Thursday I was rear ended by a lady who was uninsured , I was stationary waiting to do a u turn after an oncoming car passed, she hit me at 60km/hr, didnt break and didnt swerve. She just didnt see me till it was too late. SHE WAS ON HER MOBILE PHONE LOOKING DOWN. Now my post isnt asking what I should do because Ive contacted police, insurance company, ICWA and the Crash investigation Unit. My post is because today, Ive seen 3 people driving while talking obliviously on their mobiles in plain sight whilst driving. WAKE UP PLEASE PEOPLE !!!!!! I can barely move atm and its gonna take me weeks to fully recover, plus my car is literally a write off or is going to cost at least $6500 to repair and this woman didnt even care enough to say sorry. The police told me that accidents involving mobiles are their biggest statistic atm. Put your phone out of sight or pull over. Dont risk peoples lives, health, income and hard earned possession because you just couldnt miss that conversation or call, its DAMN SELFISH. And not fair on the other drivers on the road doing the right thing. Dont risk our lives because of your stupid phone.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 11:01:29 +0000

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