On Thursday, Inside the Conference... After the National - TopicsExpress


On Thursday, Inside the Conference... After the National Prayers, discussions on the reports of the Committee on Devolution which was suspended earlier in the week. The deputy chairman announced that discussions on derivation will resume in one hour to give zonal leaders enough time to put together their report. The Confab therefore was suspended for on hour and resumed later at 11:19am. Delegates came back in session and the debate commenced. A south/south delegate spoke passionately against the elders forum. He believed the mini-committee does not represent every one in the conference hence, it is null and void. The chairman however rose in defence of the elders forum. He said it is not illegal for any group to reach an agreement on-behalf of the delegate is their motive is to support the Conference. The house became rowdy as successive delegates demanded that the report of the zonal elders committee be rendered null and void. Their reasons include that the committee is against the rules of engagement of the confab. Delegates started making final voting on the report of the committee on devolution of power. The Conference voted to retain the Evidence Finger Print Identification be retained in the Exclusive Legislative list of the Constitution. It also voted to remove public holidays from the exclusive list to the concurrent list. On mines, minerals, oil fields, geological surveys and natural gas remain in the exclusive list but the Conference voted that governments of the states and host communities where the resources are allocated shall be involved in the mining process. The Conference has not been able to take a position on this matter because an earlier report submitted by the Committee on Finance had recommended that solid minerals be moved to the concurrent list and the conference had adopted it. The Conference went ahead to amend the revenue sharing formula but there is a disagreement over whether the sharing be made between the Federal Government and the state governments or whether it should be carried out between the federal, states and local governments. As delegates continued to shout “point of order,” “point of order,” others are shouting, “sit down and let’s vote.” The Deputy Chairman responded by telling the delegates, “You won’t get anything by threatening me.” Shouts of “no, no, no,” is rending all over the chamber as delegates try to stop the amendment to the revenue formula of the country. Many delegates are on their feet as the Deputy Chair insists that point of order and information should not be taken during voting. He said that the Conference will go ahead to vote. He, however, said that what will be done by the Conference would serve as recommendations to the government which cannot come into effect until adopted by the government. The three recommendations for sharing revenue in the country were read out to the house by Mr. Akinyemi but it seems the delegates are not ready to take on the matter. The leadership went into a brief consultation in a bid to resolve the seeming logjam. This is happening just as delegates engage each other on heated argument from all parts of the chamber. The Chairman had called on delegates to take their seats just as the Deputy Chairman attempted to resolve the issue. He argued that since there are three recommendations on the formula, that voting on the issue be dropped for the time being while the Conference proceeded to vote on other recommendations of the Committee. A delegate from Kogi called for voting to be carried out on two recommendations, noting that the third recommendation was merely a repetition. Musa Adede also argued that the Conference votes on recommendation A and B or A and C as the case may be. The leadership has gone into a brief consultation on the table. The Chair and the deputy Chair are discussing possible solutions to the problem. Deputy Chair has asked that the Conference moved to vote on other matters until it was convenient. The Conference voted to retain the Prisons in the concurrent list. The Conference has voted to retain service and execution in states on the civil and criminal proceedings in the exclusive legislative list. The Conference voted against moving Insurance to the concurrent list.It also voted against the movement of stamp duties to the concurrent legislative list. The conference voted against moving marriages to the concurrent list. The Conference could not vote on the recommendation for the division of public revenue between states and the federal government and among the states to be moved to the concurrent list. The Chair sought the advice of legal practitioners in the chamber. Femi Falana insisted that the matter be left in the exclusive list, adding that where there was a conflict between states, only the Federal Government could resolve it. Over two hours after the Consensus Building Group went into a meeting to resolve the logjam in the derivation formula, the members are yet to return to the plenary. The Conference has voted to retain banks, banking and legal tender on the exclusive list. The procedure to prescribe minimum standards of education at all levels was voted to be retained in the exclusive list. Registration of business name was voted to be retained in the exclusive list. The regulation of political parties was voted to be retained in the exclusive list. Members of the Consensus Building Group returned to the plenary. Raymong Dokpesi, Ike Nwachukwu,. John Dara, Anietie Okon, Mohammed Kumalia, Josephine Anenih, Bello Mohammed, Zamani Lekwot have entered the hall. The conference has voted against assigning some percentage of revenue generated from the FCT to states whose lands where annexed to create the city. The Deputy Chairman had sought for a written report of the Consensus Building Committee, adding that the Conference would not take an oral report by the committee. Tension has started building up as the Conference is about taking the report of the Committee, considered to be vital in resolving the logjam on the derivation principle to be adopted. Ibrahim Coomasie was given the opportunity to address the Conference on what they have resolved. Mr. Coomasie said the meeting was unable to resolve the issues in dispute and advised the conference not to accept any report presented on the matter. It seems the Conference is poised to take a decision on the matter given the body language of the leadership. There is renewed row as the leadership tries to resolve the problem. Femi Falana was invited to speak but delegates are shouting against allwing Mr. Falana address the house on why the Wise men failed to reach a consensus on the derivation principle as Northern delegates shouted no no no no. Delegates have been walking around the hall trying to sell their positions to others. Sergeant Awuse was begged by the Chairman to allow the leadership resolve the issue. The Chairman suggested that the Consensus Building Committee be given more time to get back to their meeting and attempt to resolve the pending issue. Nasir Kura has been on his feet, opposing any move by the leadership to resolve the logjam. While the delegates have been shouting, the Chairman had called for the adjournment of the Conference till Monday to enable the 50 Wise men to meet on Friday to attempt to resolve the controversial issue of derivation. The conference went into a rowdy session as almost all the delegates were on their feet shouting down the chairman of the confab as he tries to adjourn the meeting till Monday 14th July. He however went ahead to adjourn the confab but stated that he will be meeting with the 50 Wise Men tomorrow at 11.Am
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 08:23:52 +0000

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