On Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) Aftermath: Stop blaming, start - TopicsExpress


On Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) Aftermath: Stop blaming, start helping! There is a heating blame game in social media about a certain religious group allegedly refusing to shelter typhoon victims in their intact place of worship amidst the devastation in Tacloban City. Political commentaries about the Philippine governments inefficiency and incompetence by fellow Filipinos also abound. I admit, I was also overwhelmed by the bigotry accused of that religious group and have regrettably posted comments questioning that religious groups humanity and adherence to its teachings. I realized after reading so many hateful statements about that group from other commenters that I wasnt helping the situation. This is primarily the reason why I try not to join online debates when Im feeling strongly about something. I have been searching for reliable sources on this incident with the religious group, and I havent found any. This could very well be just a propaganda against the group, or maybe the allegations are indeed factual. But the thing is, I/we dont know enough for certain yet, so lets not be judgmental about this. As for the posts of political finger-pointing with ad hominem remarks, how can these be helpful in a time like this? Activism has its proper time, and after a calamity isnt it. And, if were so worried about politicians stealing donations, lets direct our social network to more reliable agencies for their donations. Its not very encouraging for any foreign donor if we keep on bannering how the stereotypical Filipino politician is inutile. This is why I value the Principle of Impartiality. In a time of humanitarian crisis, would the needy care if the relief came from a certain religion or political group? Now isnt the time to divide ourselves based on religion or political views. Well be better-off promoting level-headedness and critical thinking so everyone can focus on what needs to be done to help our countrymen in need. So, PLEASE STOP POSTING/SHARING PROPAGANDA MATERIALS. Lets all keep proselytism and ourselves in check. If something seems to warrant public attention, please lets be responsible enough to verify facts first before sharing. And please, lets share with the intent of correcting wrongs or rousing others towards fruitful action. Lets think twice if our actions will benefit the greater good for the greatest number in this crisis.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 13:54:55 +0000

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