On UAH, there is a thread running on the death of Kayiira (RIP) - TopicsExpress


On UAH, there is a thread running on the death of Kayiira (RIP) and Kazini. Please do not shoot the messenger. All this information is on the internet. -------------------------------- By Henry D Gombya, Editor – The London Evening Post Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni “ordered the killing” of Dr Lutakome Andrew Kayiira, a former Energy Minister in the Museveni Government who was killed during an attack on the house of this writer in Gaba outside Kampala in March 1987. The Ugandan leader was also behind the killing of a former commander of the Uganda Peoples Defence Forces (UPDF) Maj Gen James Kazini after falsely accusing him of sending money to rebels of the Sudan Peoples Liberation Army (SPLA) in Southern Sudan. These shocking revelations were made today (Sunday) by Gen David ‘Tinye’ Sejusa in a letter to his Kampala lawyer Joseph Luzige when countering accusations that a relative of his had left Uganda recently with US$8million to bring to the General in England where he has been since he left Uganda nearly four months ago. Gen Sejusa said that this was not the first time that his former boss had used such accusations to lay the ground for harassing, disorganising and harming family members of those opposed to him. “The people of Uganda will get to know the game plan of Museveni and his gang,” Gen Sejusa said. “They will know that this is a trick long played by Museveni to get to his political opponents, their families and businesses.” He revealed that after accusing Gen Kazini of sending money to elements of the SPLA, Museveni “ordered his execution by procuring the services of a 6ft 6in man to murder Kazini”. He went on to say: “Forget that trash of [Lydia] Draru. In case of Kazini, again some forex bureau, originally said to belong to Gen Kazini, but [which] actually belonged to a known relative of Museveni, was later to be used to pass the money for the payment of the executioners of Kazini, to the accounts of the assassins.” In a story that appeared in the Kampala-based Monitor newspaper, a Kampala Forex Bureau was closed after allegedly handing over $8million to a woman said to be a relative of Gen Sejusa who in turn is said to have brought the cash to London. The paper also claimed that the unnamed woman had passed through stringent security measures at Heathrow Airport in London, handed the money to Gen Sejusa, took a flight home and has not been arrested since for any offence. The Forex Bureau was named as Pakasa Forex Bureau in Bugolobi on the outskirts of the Ugandan capital Kampala. Before the story of the money being brought to London to Gen Sejusa broke, The London Evening Post had met the General in London and during our meeting with him he had denied reports linking him to owning a property in London. During our discussion he said unlike others in the Museveni regime, no one can accuse him of being corrupt and that he had not made any money at all from illegal businesses and denied owning any property anywhere. Told by The London Evening Post that it had been alleged he owns a property in Chiswick in West London, he said these were some of the many rumours linking him to property in Europe and the United States. He denied he owned any property in those countries. He said in London he was living on the kindness of friends and sympathisers. The London Evening Post actually paid for the drinks during the meeting. In the letter to his Kampala lawyer, a copy of which was sent to us this morning, Gen Sejusa said the family of Gen Kazini is aware of who killed him. He said the late General’s brother ‘Singa’ who tried to follow up those that had killed the General, was also killed. “And the Kenyan team of private investigators which had been hired by the family, was attacked and it left the country at night,” Gen Sejusa revealed. He added: “And the family was threatened and their businesses targeted. Two very close senior relatives of Museveni organised this but I will not name them now, though their names are known by those with this information.” Gen Sejusa warned President Museveni that he was now playing the same games against him since he left the country. “This time we shall not allow you to murder our people,” he wrote. “It started in the bush. Remember our army commander Sam Magara and those boys you used to kill him in cold blood? We kept their photos. They will be released for your enjoyment. This mischief must stop Mr President. You know we know you. You are dealing [now] with a different cup of tea. It will burn you. So go slow on your dirty tricks campaign,” Tinye said. Gen Sejusa who before his flight to London was the coordinator of intelligence services in the UPDF, and is one of the allegedly 27 men who started the bush war that finally brought Yoweri Museveni to power in 1986, said Gen Museveni had in the past used money allegations against the late Dr Kayiira. He said: “For those in the know, again Andrew Kayiira was said to possess money before he was gunned down by Museveni’s goons.” The general had earlier on Saturday told The London Evening Post that he has a list of those who killed Kayiira, a personal friend then of this writer. In his letter to his lawyer, Gen Sejusa says: “The list of the killers [who attacked this writer’s family 26 years ago] is known because the case was investigated by the best police in the world [New Scotland Yard]. So there is no debate about that. The reason given was money. Mr Museveni knows the real motive and the real executioners.” The UPDF General went on to warn President Museveni that if he (Museveni) does not seek amnesty from the people of Uganda, his crimes would overwhelm him. “Let Scotland Yard allow [the] release [of] the report of [the] Kayiira murder and many, many others. The world will be shocked about the murders in our midst,” Gen Sejusa revealed, adding: “For now, your game is clear. It’s stupid because it’s reckless. But watch out. I can assure you that your every move is being watched. Those who died will live to haunt you.” Defending himself against accusations that one of his relatives had smuggled money through British airports, Gen Sejusa denies all this in the letter to his lawyer. He told President Museveni: “I do not steal like you. The British Government knows my situation. Britain [is] not a banana republic like ours which you have destroyed through your corruption. They would not allow US$8million to be smuggled [through their] airport. It’s a foolish lie.” Gen Sejusa who changed his name into the Kiganda translation of Tinyefunza, accused the Ugandan leader of trying to use the story of a relative of his bringing him money in London to try and make him look “as dirty as that club of looters”. He said: “Unfortunately for you, it can’t hold now. It’s too late. I know you’re trying to destroy the little I earned at home. Just like you did in 1996, 1997 and 1999.” He warned Museveni: “If you do, God will reward me tenfold or more. He always did and will. But everything has its time.” He said another reason President Museveni was using such stories against him was to threaten those that are trying to help the general now by trying to link them to a rebellion. “This rebellion is music to my ears,” Gen Sejusa said. “It’s not bad at all as it sounds when it’s being alleged. Not a bad story at all. We need to be told its extent, organisation, personnel, arms, support, target etc., etc. It’s gonna be interesting.” Sejusa went on to challenge the Ugandan leader to charge him with treason as was announced this week. He said: “So go right and charge me, not for desertion, for that’s not the real reason you assaulted Entebbe International Airport, but for that alleged treason. Bring it [out] in the open. It’s high time. Just be informed am not afraid.” The renegade General ended his letter to his lawyer with a warning to those Museveni is now allegedly using for his propaganda. He told them: “…you may be paid. But when the country sinks, you too will be chief guests at the sinking party. So we need to be mindful of what all this portends to our country.” During a meeting with The London Evening Post as well as with veteran London-based Ugandan journalist Dr Vincent Magombe Saturday, Gen Sejusa said he will in time release all the names of those that were involved in the attack at my house in which Dr Kayiira was gunned down. The attack forced my wife and I to flee the country and left her greatly traumatised, something she has failed to recover from to this day. We have not been home since then. Tinye told us how Gen Kazini had been clobbered with a big metal bar that opened his skull up. It had been alleged that his then girlfriend Lydia Draru had killed him. It is unthinkable to see how this woman can any longer be held on suspicion of murder after these revelations by Gen Sejusa. The General also promised that in time he will tell Ugandans the extent of the killings that President Museveni has organised among officers and men of the country’s armed forces, the UPDF and within the civilian population. This will involve details about the unexplained poisoning of Brigadier General Mayombo and former NRM Secretary General Wapakabhulo among many others. We urge readers to watch this space for more revelations. thelondoneveningpost/exclusive-museveni-ordered-murder-of-kayiira-kazini-and-many-others/
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 16:46:56 +0000

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